I'd look forward to a game revolving around any of Asimov's writing
Fantastic Voyage wasn't particularly Asmovian, as he wrote to someone else's spec (possibly simply a novelisation, I forget). Asimov felt this jarring enough to write a "sequel" (Fantastic Voyage II) deliberately to explore the same theme from his own perspective.
I,Robot - the movie - bore little or no resemblance to the book of the same name, and was frankly Hollywood Rubbish IMHO.
Dr. Isaac Asimov wrote a good deal of "Pulp Fiction" in both SF and mystery genres, but is possibly known just as well for his writings on math, physics, biology, chemistry, biochemistry or religeon. Or probably a whole bunch of topics I forgot. He was quite prolific, and wrote hundreds of books during his lifetime (though how many of these were anthologies or re-anthologies I do not know, having not personally compiled a list).
He invented, for his stories about robotics, the "Three Laws" that you tend to hear mentioned in stories which contain robots. Ever hear that a robot was designed not to harm a human being or, through inaction, alow harm to come to a human being? Then you've read, watched, or listend to something written or influenced by Asimov.
Some of my favourite stories include those about the Black Widowers (mystery stories of which I have managed to find all too few - most seem out of print whenever I check) and Azazel (a demon about 1 inch tall - something of a cross between comedy and fantasy in genre, I guess). Other favourites include popular science - Asimov was notable for writing that looked simple - deceptively so - because it seemed to easy to read and understand what he wrote.
Yeah, I was sad when he died
he was "my first author" - the first author that impressed me enough that I'd pick up a book purely because it had his name on the jacket.