Ibproarcade Emulator


Still Fresh
Jul 31, 2007
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O.K , This is the 3rd and final emulator on my wish list.

What's the chances of a ibProarcade game emulator for the GP2x ? Probably Buckleys

I Know most of these are quite simple and could be rewritten but ,

I'm not a big fan of rewrites of games cause most of the time they are no where near as good as the original.

With over 2000+ games , and some real gems in there , this would be a great addition to the GP2x.

Most of the games are under 1mb, and surely there is an open source bullentin board code that could be adapted to use the GP2x's hardware, especially since they don't need any 3D stuff.

Or maybe i don't know what the hell I'm going on about , hahaha

Anyway YAY or NEY the GP2x RoCkS :D

Cheers Gamers
If I remember, it's an arcade modification for Invision message boards. Basically it just interfaces random Flash games with a MySQL based score system.

Meaning there's no need for an emulator. We do need a better flash player, while we're on the subject, though. Even with a better Flash, though, the scores wouldn't work cause it needs a MySQL server.
Sorry mate! I think only few people know what this is. You could post some links, screenshots, videos or post in wikipedia or sth like that AND is there already an emulator out there that could be ported? Post some details or the source code ..... please! ;)


Yeah, sorry guys

Basically, Mr KSoft is right - basically just need a flash player and i thought maybe there could be some
way to emulate MySQL database to keep the highscores.

So looks like i'm dreaming again, hehehe