I Want To See A Space Shooter.


Feb 18, 2007
No not a top down shooter or anything, a space flight/fighting simulator like the old games X-Wing and Tie Fighter.

With online play.

If some people want to I am not just telling you want to do I would be willing to help, even pay for a small website. I can not do any programming though but I can do 3D modeling. :lol:

If anybody else remembers how much fun those games where and wants to make something similar. (but not star wars we make our own awesome ass stuff) then lets do it!

Pandora needs games ASAP to assure its success! :)

Maybe something so epic that you could fly down to a actual planet (a small one) and then fly out into space and stuff to make for some epic fun!

Maybe you play as a space bounty hunter, and hunt criminals and cool stuff.

Oh, and for more epicness you can land on larger spaceships and it turns into a top down shooter or side scroller.

Yeah... :unsure:

I am just going to go away now. :(
Creating such a game from scratch is a gigantic amount of work...

I think it would be a more realistic option to port an already existing game like that to Pandora.

OpenGL Frontier (Elite 2) should be very easy to port to Pandora.
Freespace 2 has been ported to Linux, but you need the original game to run it.
The Wing Commender / X-Wing game generation could maybe run on DosBox (I don't really know).

There are many attempt of opensource modern Elite like games, must I think most of them are abandoned. Making such game is typically the kind of project that make many hobbyist dreaming before they realize that the task is too huge.

You can check www.happypenguin.org to get an idea of the games which could easily be ported to Pandora.
Freespace 2 (or one of it's free mods) is probably your best bet. Especially because it's system requirements in the original version are a perfect fit for the Pandora.
Not yet, but online play is something that I need to figure out how to do! The video capture is from an early demo version, a few things are improved since then, but the game also needs to be extended. Online is definitely something to think about and I won't write it off... but the game need more... er game first.
PokeParadox said:
I've said it a while ago, but I'll say it again. A version of Atrox will be ported and attempted to ported to the Pandora and GP2X, respectively.

Blogpost including intention to port Atrox

Atrox looks fantastic :). Well, except for the vids, which mostly don't work because of the white background and the acting (which unfortunately, sounds like home-recordings, probably because it is) - maybe see if you can find a decent drama group and get them to do the recordings in the end? If they're amateur, there's a good chance they wouldn't charge, and the results would sound a lot prettier :).

Good luck :)
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Ah, thanks for the comments! Yes the videos were home recordings alas due to time constraints, we had to shoot the videos very quickly ourselves... It was intended to overlay a transmission static/interference animation over the top of the videos, and we generally decided that we could "get away" with the low quality audio, since it is supposed to be a transmission.
As for our acting capabilities... I think I make a fairly decent Space Pimp :lol:
Additionally we wanted to take a page out of Red Dwarf and film the ship's computer against a black background, so it was just a floating head... well we never got around to reshooting...
Anyways we know a few more people, willing to help us out with certain stuff (sound, artwork, acting, voice-acting) so when the time comes we can apply some polish.

Anyway, enough thread-jacking, :P Thanks for the comments and I hope to start my own thread for Atrox in the future. :)
PokeParadox said:
Ah, thanks for the comments! Yes the videos were home recordings alas due to time constraints, we had to shoot the videos very quickly ourselves... It was intended to overlay a transmission static/interference animation over the top of the videos, and we generally decided that we could "get away" with the low quality audio, since it is supposed to be a transmission.
As for our acting capabilities... I think I make a fairly decent Space Pimp :lol:
Additionally we wanted to take a page out of Red Dwarf and film the ship's computer against a black background, so it was just a floating head... well we never got around to reshooting...
Anyways we know a few more people, willing to help us out with certain stuff (sound, artwork, acting, voice-acting) so when the time comes we can apply some polish.

Anyway, enough thread-jacking, :P Thanks for the comments and I hope to start my own thread for Atrox in the future. :)

If you need some 3D help I can do that! :unsure:
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I think a Space Flight simulator would be much welcomed,
and if at all possible a Space RTS Game such as Star wars Rebellion (Just an Example) would be very cool.
I have no Programming skills or 3d Rendering/ Artwork/ Animation skills but I would support this project any way possible
hal9000 said:
Creating such a game from scratch is a gigantic amount of work...

I think it would be a more realistic option to port an already existing game like that to Pandora.
Ditto. How about No Gravity? It's available and, all in all, seems to be a fun one to play.
(I mention this because it's my intention to make a port of that one happen if nothing else... ;) )
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Viking said:
No not a top down shooter or anything, a space flight/fighting simulator like the old games X-Wing and Tie Fighter.

With online play.

If some people want to I am not just telling you want to do I would be willing to help, even pay for a small website. I can not do any programming though but I can do 3D modeling. :lol:

If anybody else remembers how much fun those games where and wants to make something similar. (but not star wars we make our own awesome ass stuff) then lets do it!

Pandora needs games ASAP to assure its success! :)

Maybe something so epic that you could fly down to a actual planet (a small one) and then fly out into space and stuff to make for some epic fun!

Maybe you play as a space bounty hunter, and hunt criminals and cool stuff.

Oh, and for more epicness you can land on larger spaceships and it turns into a top down shooter or side scroller.

Yeah... :unsure:

I am just going to go away now. :(
I don't see why Freespace 2's mods wouldn't work (correct me if I'm wrong, but the engine is open source, no?).

In any case, Descent and Descent II should work great, as they already have GP2X ports (idk how good the ports are though). The DS can almost run it (only problems are due to the port being in early development), so the Pandora should have no problem. Now we just need to figure out how we're going to control the sucker!

If you don't know already, Descent is 6DoF so basically you can move or rotate in any direction at any time; there's no gravity, so there's no specific "down". It's really hard to control, but a lot of fun. I guess our options are the normal dual stick setup with the triggers or left stick and L trigger with the touch screen, but I'm not sure what you'd map to what...
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squeakypants said:
I don't see why Freespace 2's mods wouldn't work (correct me if I'm wrong, but the engine is open source, no?).
It'd depend on how heavyweight Beyond the Red Line was. It's a good prospect down the line.


In any case, Descent and Descent II should work great, as they already have GP2X ports (idk how good the ports are though). The DS can almost run it (only problems are due to the port being in early development), so the Pandora should have no problem. Now we just need to figure out how we're going to control the sucker!

If you don't know already, Descent is 6DoF so basically you can move or rotate in any direction at any time; there's no gravity, so there's no specific "down". It's really hard to control, but a lot of fun. I guess our options are the normal dual stick setup with the triggers or left stick and L trigger with the touch screen, but I'm not sure what you'd map to what...

Oooh... I'd forgotten that we've got those gems. Heh... I'd vote for the difficult, but practical dual stick with triggers configuration myself. The other...seems...strange. I can't quite visualize how you'd be able to make that one work.
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Svartalf said:
Oooh... I'd forgotten that we've got those gems. Heh... I'd vote for the difficult, but practical dual stick with triggers configuration myself. The other...seems...strange. I can't quite visualize how you'd be able to make that one work.
Left stick X axis - Tilt nose up/down
Left stick Y axis - Turn left/right
Right stick X axis - Move forward/backward
Right stick Y axix - Rotate (barrel roll) clockwise/counterclockwise (I don't remember, was this even a movement option?)

That leaves the triggers for shooting, etc. And to think some people didn't think dual analog sticks were necessary :D
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Chip said:
Svartalf said:
Oooh... I'd forgotten that we've got those gems. Heh... I'd vote for the difficult, but practical dual stick with triggers configuration myself. The other...seems...strange. I can't quite visualize how you'd be able to make that one work.
Left stick X axis - Tilt nose up/down
Left stick Y axis - Turn left/right
Right stick X axis - Move forward/backward
Right stick Y axix - Rotate (barrel roll) clockwise/counterclockwise (I don't remember, was this even a movement option?)

That leaves the triggers for shooting, etc. And to think some people didn't think dual analog sticks were necessary :D

That'd be the mode I'd think of. While it takes some getting used to, dual joysticks handles 6DOF well unless you've got something like a SpaceOrb in hand...
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