I Think I Have Bought The Wrong Console.


Still Fresh
Aug 29, 2008

I have just realised that I may have bought the wrong console for my needs.

I bought the GP2X and I did plan to play lots of Atari games. I did not think about how the keyboard would be emulated because I don't think that far ahead :(

I now have a GP2X and just found out that the GP32 could be linked to something known as a chatboard or something and then I could have played games that require LOADS of keys without having to scroll and scroll for the right key. Damn.

Now I am actually a little bit sad that I have an amazing bit of kit and the right games but am lacking a keyboard. Maybe I just wait for the next model to be released? I believe it will have a keyboard attached.

which one did you buy, f-100 or f-200?

and yes the Pandora (openpandora.org) will have a full keyboard.
Which Atari did you want to emulate - the Atari 800 or the Atari ST?

Both emulators on the GP32 support the chatboard quite well, although the chatboard doesn't offer all the keys the the original computers had.

I find that the chatboard is good but if you're using lots of funny symbols some of these are not mapped anyway.

What games did you want to play with the chatboard?
You can use a usb keyboard with your gp2x... simply buy a craddle or you can build your own ext-usb adaptor
I bought the F-100, sorry I forgot to say that.

I wanted to play Atari ST games. I am using the OutcaST emulator because I could not get the CaSTaway working. I think I may have downloaded the wrong file. I tried repeatedly and failed to make it work.

I mainly wanted to play a little game called Chaos. I am going to play it using a Spectrum emulator but I would love to get the ST version working.

I can actually play the ST version but the screen size is WAY too small and also the sound is too low and it seems that I can't turn it up. That plus the keyboard emulation problems makes playing very hard.

Xabier: Thank you, I will look for a cradle and see what they are like and cost.

Thank you,
Common buy cradle and USB keyboard and mice...
CHAOS ENGINE??? Try SEGA MD version...

No, not Chaos Engine. The game is just called chaos and personally I love the Atari ST version the best.

Here is a review of the Speccy version:

I dont think I need a mouse for my GP2X. That is going too far for me :P And I think even a keyboard is just making it too clumsy and defeating the purpose of the wee guy. I will make do with Speccy Chaos and see if I can't find a better ST emulator.

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