I See Girls...........

Not exactly sure how far I have gotten yet. I have just come across that silly fat guy who eats crisps and he is laying outside a huge door and he's injured. Is that far ?

I still think Project Zero is scarier. But you're right about the lighting, I love the shadow effects.
You're about 90% by there, but keep going, it gets better.

There were some long fighting periods that I thought were too much, but overall I enjoyed it.
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Most of the girls I know play games. Hell, one of them can pretty much destroy anyone I know at Halo (she plays it a lot lol).
You know I still don't think any variants of Quake, Heretic, Hexen etc have the scare factor of the original Doom. I love horror films, me and my sister used to sneak out of bed to watch Hammer house of Horror films while our parents were running the pub downstairs, so I am very used to being scared. The ONLY other game to scare the life out of me is Project Zero on the PS2.
Ah yes, Project Zero is really scary. Too bad about the annoying “Resident Evil” like puzzles though. But I forgive the game, because it really scared the pants of me a couple of times. Remember when that ghost stuck its head around a corner in the beginning, yikes. Have you tried Project Zero 2? I haven’t seen it myself…
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One I found pretty creepy, especially at night was Sanitarium for the PC. It's a text-based point and click, like Maniac Mansion or Day of the Tentacle, but it's all creepy and in fact, in a couple places, quite gross. It's a Mystery/Thriller/Horror kinda game. There's a demo of the first level you can download.

(Use the Towel!)
Ah yes, Project Zero is really scary. Too bad about the annoying “Resident Evil” like puzzles though. But I forgive the game, because it really scared the pants of me a couple of times. Remember when that ghost stuck its head around a corner in the beginning, yikes. Have you tried Project Zero 2? I haven’t seen it myself…

There's a corridor in Project Zero that just creeps me out. Something about it just makes me want to run through it as the atmosphere in there is freaky. It's on the way to the location you place the mask with the spikes through it's eyes on the pedestal to open that big door. Oh flip I forgot about that door, wasn't it horrible when it first opened it , you see what happened to someone else who opened it before you :o .... And what do you have to kill the wee nasty things? A camera, no guns, no lasers or anything, just a simple old camera. Neat!

Regarding Project Zero 2, I didn't even know it was out. I think me and Phil should take a peek in our local Game store :) .

Most of the girls I know play games. Hell, one of them can pretty much destroy anyone I know at Halo (she plays it a lot lol).

Actually one of my friends loves video games as much as I do. She introduced me to games like SSX, Prince of Persia and Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy. It's usually a case of lots of phone calls when one of us gets stuck in a game we're both playing. Another friend of mine is crazy about Tomb Raider, anything you need to know about the series she knows. Come to think about it, I know more women who play video games than men. And I think we're better at it, as for me I will make sure I really do complete a game and not just get to the end shouting "Finished it!". If the game is any good, I will play it again and try and find all the secrets.

One I found pretty creepy, especially at night was Sanitarium for the PC. It's a text-based point and click, like Maniac Mansion or Day of the Tentacle, but it's all creepy and in fact, in a couple places, quite gross. It's a Mystery/Thriller/Horror kinda game. There's a demo of the first level you can download.

(Use the Towel!)

Don't think I have ever seen that game, I will keep an eye out for it. Have you ever played The Dig? That is a kind of point and click game a little reminiscent of Day of the Tentacle but it is filled with atmosphere, it really does drag you into its world.
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Regarding Project Zero 2, I didn't even know it was out. I think me and Phil should take a peek in our local Game store :) .
If you find it, remember to let us know if it's any good. I really should get hold of the first one and finish it. The last time I played it was together with a friend and with his copy. But he sold it before we could finish it. We got quite far but I am sure we missed lots of good scares not finishing it.
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Talking of creepy games, has anyone else played Penumbra?
I've linked to the Wiki text because it goes in to more detail than the main site.

The interaction between the user and the environment is fantastic (if a little hard to get used to in the beginning).
Just the start where you have to open a row of lockers felt so realistic.

It's not scary, a little creept at most, but for a free game using their own engine, it's amazing. Can't wait to see what they/other developers make of the engine.
Talking of creepy games, has anyone else played Penumbra?
I've linked to the Wiki text because it goes in to more detail than the main site.

The interaction between the user and the environment is fantastic (if a little hard to get used to in the beginning).
Just the start where you have to open a row of lockers felt so realistic.

It's not scary, a little creept at most, but for a free game using their own engine, it's amazing. Can't wait to see what they/other developers make of the engine.

ZOMG my computer can barely run that free game.... but it still seems pretty cool.
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The Dig? Never heard of it, WarmFluffy, I'll have to check that out, see if they have a demo. That's normally how I see how well a game will run (IF it'll run) on my system.
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Just use ScummVM. It runs it almost perfectly, and if you have any problems the guys that make it are great help.

Kewl, I will give that a go :) .
Yeah, ScummVM is awesome, I am quite surprised you've been here for so long - and haven't heard of it!

I probably had blinkers on (I think the americans call them blinders). Actually I have heard of it, just never gave it a go, but I have it installed now and have downloaded Beneath a steel sky!!!
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WarmFluffyUK posted on Jul 1 2006 at 09:20 AM said:
I probably had blinkers on (I think the americans call them blinders). Actually I have heard of it, just never gave it a go, but I have it installed now and have downloaded Beneath a steel sky!!!
Get Flight of the Amazon Queen aswell. That's freeware, too.

Err.... you're new avatar scares me :o
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Lettuce Dude posted on Jul 1 2006 at 09:54 AM said:
A bit offtopic but where in wales are you Warmfluffy? (dont worry I'm not trying to make a move on you I'm only 13)
LOL well okay, I'm in Aberystwyth on the west coast.

Wite_Noiz posted on Jul 1 2006 at 11:01 AM said:
Get Flight of the Amazon Queen aswell. That's freeware, too.

Err.... you're new avatar scares me :o
Okay I will check that game out too.
Regarding the Avatar, it's my official Scary Clare Avatar. And here's the full size pic:


Now that should have you hiding behind the sofa :wacko:
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