I don't understand...... help ?


Jul 6, 2003
I dont understant how runs the website http://joygp.entware.com.
How can we register, how can we add more money to buy games, which extension is used for the file etc.....
Can you help me ?
Thanks !
hahah FOOOOL... :p

Had the same probs a few mins ago. What you need to do is got to the joy GP site and click one of the tabs thats says PDS or summin like that at the top, Then download ther egistration program.

One registered you can buy items with a credit card...!

Note you also have to first create an account, you then need to be loogged on and do the above to D/L the registration prog. Its like the GP32 registration prog but designed for entware...!

Let me know if you have any further probs..!