For what it's worth, I' found that c++ was not as hard as people have made it out to be. Not easy, by any stretch, but not that hard.
I've been coding for the GP2X for about 4 days now - I started by installing code::blocks, then the GP2X devkit, and picked a game to port. I chose one that already had code available in c/c++ so that the work would be limited to small areas. By chance, I found one that also used SDL.
So it was a case of working up the graphics routines to work on the GP2X screen, sort out the sound (convert an 8bit mixer to use 16bit samples) and screw around with the rather funky stick for a day and a half
It's finished now, barring small stuff like using the shoulder buttons to quit.
And before I installed code::blocks, I had never in my life coded even one line of c or c++. After just four days, I feel that I've enough of a start to write my own simple game, so that's what I'm gonna do.
And SDL *is* simple. Once you get your head around the calls, it's very easy indeed.
All you need is to find someone else's code, and start hacking around in it. You'll learn a lot faster than you will from any tutorials, in my experience. Keep the tutorials handy though, cos they can be very helpful when you get stuck!