Will there be anyway of being able to view web pages offline on the GP32 ya know downloaded from the net then converted onto GP32?
It would be so so cool if you could!
yeah it should be possible, someone posted a conveter that converts an html web page to a sg300 (somehting like that) file. so it is already possible...
What would be cool if somebody made a program like... I can't remember its name, but it was for Palm Pilots and you could suscribe to different news channels that are sepcifically formatted for the Palm, and you can check it out later. It was really nifty
nerd of nerds posted on Sep 25 2003 at 07:42 PM said:
yeah it should be possible, someone posted a conveter that converts an html web page to a sg300 (somehting like that) file. so it is already possible...
1) There is a jpeg viewer about for the gp32 that looks at the screenshots taken for your pc.
2) There is a converter which converts html pages and images into sg1000/sg3000 roms (this is the sega master system in japan basiclly) but these roms wont work on the fsms u will have to use 1 of the crappyer emulators
3) Wait for the contiki HTML viewer for the gp32 (this does text only html images wont be shown)