Hp Mie Ui Panda Port


have you realized that rock stars always seem to l
Sep 29, 2008
100ft from the sea
Any engadget or arstechnica frequenters probably saw this a few days ago, but for those of us who don't HP's Mobile Internet Edition interface's source is available & has been shown to successfully run on other netbooks. Since the source is available it shouldn't be that hard to get it up & running on the panda, just needs a few packages to be compiled for ARM. Would just provide a nicely polished UI choice for relatively little work. May not suit everyone's fancy, but worth a shot imo. Here are some screenshots & links to the original articles, ubuntu forum discussion & source trunk.



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Since people have already ripped the interface and other parts, we can take that stuff and recompile for ARM. That'll probably work without much extra effort.
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Pandora is much smaller and than a netbook and quite different from it so we have very different UI needs. We need bigger fonts, touchscreen optimization and navigation optimized for gaming controls, not a mouse.
'OrR' said:
Pandora is much smaller and than a netbook and quite different from it so we have very different UI needs. We need bigger fonts, touchscreen optimization and navigation optimized for gaming controls, not a mouse.
Fonts I'm sure are all configurable (or at least hackable -- it is linux afterall), The large icons seem well-suited for a touchscreen interface & I'm sure that there will be packages supporting game control navigation on an OS level soon after release (& even if there aren't, it's a pretty simple affair). IMO this interface seems much more well suited for a touchscreen than a mouse in the first place.

I'm actually getting sick of twiddling my thumbs & hoping other people get around to porting stuff. I've been an avid linux user for years now & I'm sure I can find out how to compile & test things for other architectures, so I think I'll do just that. I figure if I can contribute to the scene in any way I should =]

Off to read up & give it a shot =D
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