I recently built a simple USB-serial cable for my Wiz to help in development work. Here's a list of parts and simple instructions.
Total parts list:
I'll try to post pics later, but this was easy and pretty simple. I imagine you could save $$ if you just found the connector part -- does anyone have any leads on those?
- I ordered this Samsung E810 Serial Cable from negsm.com. You don't need a cable, you just need a connector. Here's a list of places to find the connector only, but I found it easier to just buy a cheap $9.95 Samsung cable from negsm.. I have no affiliation with them, never ordered anything from them before. I ordered it on a Monday and it was in my US Mail box on Wednesday. That's fast and good service. Note that the cable that actually arrives to you looks nothing like the picture, that's ok, we only need the 24-pin connector.
- I then ordered this USB Serial breakout board from Sparkfun. Again no affiliation (but I have ordered lots of things from them.) Shipping is not free here, but it is cheap and fast. Ordered Monday, got it Thursday via priority mail.
- I cracked open the Samsung cable (screwdriver) at the 24-pin connector end. On this cable the connector breaks out into 4 rows of 6 leads each. It was kind of hard to find the right pins because everything is so small back there. I was helped out by this pinout for Samsung connectors because ground, TX and RX were already connected (to the wrong place, of course) on my cable-- that helped me get oriented with the pin #s. After determining which pins were what, I desoldered all the existing leads (making the connector freestanding with no cable) and then soldered a lead on pins 12, 13 and 14 each. Of course I was helped by andymanone and sbock's awesome pinout for the Wiz to find the right places.
- I soldered the 3 leads coming off the connector to the breakout board. Pin 12 (ground) went to ground on the board, pin 13 (RXD) went to TX-O on the board, and pin 14 (TXD) went to pin RX-I on the board.
- Connected the board with a mini USB lead, booted a terminal at 115200, XON, 8-N-1. It works!!!
Total parts list:
- Either This Samsung data cable or just any 24-pin connector you can find will do, the electronics/wires in the cable does not matter. $9.95
- The breakout board for the FT232RL USB+serial and level converter chip from sparkfun $14.95
- Mini usb -> USB cable
- Soldering iron, 3 hookup wires
I'll try to post pics later, but this was easy and pretty simple. I imagine you could save $$ if you just found the connector part -- does anyone have any leads on those?
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