How To Use Wifi On Psp?

Shadow of Chaos

Active Member
Oct 8, 2003
South wales, UK.
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what do i do to setup wifi on my psp?

my router connecting 2 pc's together with cables has 1 antenna for wireless, so im wondering if i use this to connect my psp so i will be able to play online titles and use the web browser anywhere in the house?

can someone give me some small instructions how to set up?, i know how to setup routers so i just need the settings and it will be good to go.

thanks :)
Hey I think you could also use in Starbucks cause they have Wi-Fi but I heard they charge people who bring laptops for using internet. Will they find out if you're using their Wi-Fi service for DS and PSP? Hopefully will think you're playing a game instead or not assume using internet and can hide easily anyway because portability.
the PSP automatically finds in air internet connections and you can use any wireless network unless its password protected. So unless Starbucks is charging for passwords, shouldn't be an issue.

Most DSL modems now a days have wireless built in. Mine did and the PSP runs off of it pretty well, i'd say the browser is 3-4x faster than normal dial up but still not near DSL speed even up close.
Using a PSP on the net all depends on what firmware you have installed. If it's pre 2.0 then you will need something like wipeout pure's built in web browser and alter your PSP's settings to connect to a portal other than the wipeouts site. There are lots of tutorials on the web for this.

If you have the 2.0 Firmware, then it has a web browser built in, you should be able to follow the internet connection wizard on the PSP to scan and connect to your wireless router. If you have set up any security like a WEP key you will have to type that into the settings too.

One word of warning, if you use your PSP for homebrew and emulators, upgrading the firmware will kill this ability.

Shadow of Chaos posted on Sep 13 2005 at 09:59 AM said:
Btw, how far can the PSP be used once its connected? can i go upstairs, or if i went to bed or something could i use it without probs like that?

This all depends on the walls in your home and the router. The best way to test it is to connect to the router, go to where you want to use it and look at the signal strength.
This may sound mad, but it is possible to boost the signal strength in one direction, a bit like focusing it. Get some cardboard and some tinfoil, and make a reflector, see image below:
Good Luck :)
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my psp found my wireless connection instantly to, i used the tenchi web browser and it works fine, but ive yet to try online gaming with it, but on the site it says you need a registration key or something, apparently it comes with your psp, if i havent got this should i still be able to play games online?
Shadow of Chaos posted on Sep 13 2005 at 08:57 AM said:
Huh.. no need to set up my router?.. :huh: that wouldnt make much sense, cos.. couldnt someone next door be using their own PSP and get free internet access or something? lol

Shadow of Chaos posted on Sep 13 2005 at 08:59 AM said:
Btw, how far can the PSP be used once its connected? can i go upstairs, or if i went to bed or something could i use it without probs like that?

Yes your right. If you have a wireless connection, anybody with a psp could use your internet connection unless you have it password protected.

I get 74% str in my bed which is about 20 feet and a few walls from my router. I guess it would all depend on how good your connection is and the quality of the hardware.
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CUPC4KES posted on Sep 13 2005 at 05:57 PM said:
my psp found my wireless connection instantly to, i used the tenchi web browser and it works fine, but ive yet to try online gaming with it, but on the site it says you need a registration key or something, apparently it comes with your psp, if i havent got this should i still be able to play games online?

The only online game I'm aware of at this time is Twisted Metal Head On, which I own, and you do not need registration thing, all you have to do is create an account, which basically you pick your user name and password. That is it.
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Great, thanks for all your help everyone :D

74% str is good enough i guess, though i dont know if it would be laggy. Should be ok, will strength of signal also depend on net connection?? because i am broadband
Yeah unless you have it protected anyone can use it. I bought a Wifi card for my laptop hoping that I might snag someones router one day. My router isnt protected though since I have a shitty 56k which is pointless to leech from.

The PSP will find the router if you try to update without the USB cable, the first thing it did when it found the connection was ask me if I wanted to download the update which I wasnt about to do because 1. it was 14mb and 2. I have 1.5 fw.

Later on if I ever get broadband THEN the router will get encrypted, in which case I'll have to put the password into my PSP so it can use the signal from the router.

Also that trick for extending range, from wha I hear works great with a Pringles potato chip can.
Shadow of Chaos posted on Sep 13 2005 at 08:27 PM said:
Great, thanks for all your help everyone  :D

74% str is good enough i guess, though i dont know if it would be laggy. Should be ok, will strength of signal also depend on net connection?? because i am broadband

I'm broadband as well at even in bed at 74% i'm about 3-4x faster than dial up on the PSP surfing the web. BUT, the bad thing is about the PSP browser, you have to wait for the entire page to load before you can scroll around and do stuff, which sometimes is a pain in the butt and slows it down.
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very rarely do I lag in Twisted metal head on, even when i'm about 50ft from my router. I don't think the online games use that much bandwith, most of the stuff is loaded from the UMD, cars, levels, weapons, the only real information going back and forth is location of each player and the damage done.
You know it's kinda funny, back when Twisted Metal Black online was beta testing they let 56k users battle broadbanders and for the most part the game was still fair, there was a bit of lag but I dont recall it ever effecting play. It made me scratch my head in a largly confused manner when they Beta was over and the forebode us from playing with anyone but each other in boring one on one matches with no bots.

This new version however sounds like the most broken thing I've ever heard of, and has from day one when even Broadbanders can get lagged...
Alpha2 posted on Sep 14 2005 at 09:09 PM said:
This new version however sounds like the most broken thing I've ever heard of, and has from day one when even Broadbanders can get lagged...

are you talking about Twisted Metal Head on?
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