How to remove Nvidia GeForce Experience v3


Forum Addict!
Jun 20, 2011
Yesterday the GeForce Experience software asked me to update to version 3, and it wasn't just a normal patch/bugfix, it required to accept a new EULA and also it needs a login, so you MUST BE REGISTERED to use it... I don't like it, and in the previous version I had a choice to not doing it...

So, I put here the instructions to reinstall version 2 and block future updates:

1) Uninstall GeForce Experience v3 with a smart uninstaller like GeekUninstaller, so it will remove also registry voices and directories not touched by the installer.

2) Download the GeForce Experience v2 using this link (just change the initial "us" letters for your language)

3) Install it and then delete or rename this folder to disable future updates:
C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\GeForce Experience\Update
I disliked this version to: "There are new driver, do you want to update?", you click YES: Please login with Facebook / Gmail and what not.
So good to have this manual.
I also rolled back, because the streaming feature (gamestream) was not working well with Moonlight on v3.
@benoitb : on the Pandora or on something else (maybe I should update the Moonlight pnd?)
That was on the PS Vita. I've read this morning that they published a new build that works better with GFEv3.
I sadly don't own a Pandora. It might also experience issues with the V3 ? We would have to ask someone who acutally uses moonlight on the Pandora.
Something interesting happened... the folder "Update" appeared again and I have the request for the V3 even without asking me to update :eek:

As I see, the time of creation corresponds at the time when I turned off my PC...

Anyway, the V2 is still installed, so just deleting again the "Update" folder makes the V2 run without issues... but I'll need to find a way to lock that folder to be used... I'll try to put i read-only for now...
Something interesting happened... the folder "Update" appeared again and I have the request for the V3 even without asking me to update :eek:

As I see, the time of creation corresponds at the time when I turned off my PC...

Anyway, the V2 is still installed, so just deleting again the "Update" folder makes the V2 run without issues... but I'll need to find a way to lock that folder to be used... I'll try to put i read-only for now...
Maybe you could blacklist some hostnames to NVidia servers ? If you do find a solution I'll be interested as well. Haven't been prompted to re-upgrade yet.
By now that updade folder is still empty... but I found that this thing is started at the boot


NvBackend = "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvBackend.exe"

I can't reboot now, to try, but maybe just deactivating it will does the trick