How To Mod A Chatboard, Where To Get The Conenctor


Don't be evil!
Oct 23, 2003
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I Wanted to build some of the things for selling but never get around to finally do it, so here is the list i have collected.
The samsung a300 datacable seems to be the cheapest way.
CHA-01 and CHA-10 are the only working chatboards for the gp,
you can get them cheap at ebay for about 1eur, and one of the following plugs for handys.
Pleas keep in mind that you need at least 4 pins (you can move them arround), so some chargers/headsets may not work. also datacbales are cheap for some handys, arround 3EUR.
One of the names for the conenctor is 3050-18P-0.5 dont remember other ones.
samsung A200/A288/A300/A300/A400/T100/R200/R210/R220/N620/N628/SGH-E100/SGH-E700/SGH-S500/SGH-E100/SGH-E600
NEC N21i/N22i
Sagem My-C2
Mistubishi M320
Alcatel 531
LG G5300
Some shops selling the right connector are.
If you know other models/have other sources, pleas share them.

Now to the building.
solder your 4 wires to the extconenctor to the pins
pin/meaning/color used in picture
1=3.3v orange
9=RXD0/GPF0 white
10=TXD0/GPF2 yellow
18=Ground blue
or (!)
1=3.3v orange
15=RXD1/GPF1 white
16=TXD1/GPF3 yellow
18=Ground blue
now to the cb side the picture is from spivs site thank you spivi :-)

It could be that the orange cable (+3.3v) can only be soldered at the smd resitor, not on the pin before it, and make sure you dont conenct anything to the little golden line that is arround the chatboard.
Have fun with your new selfbuildet chatboard!

Maybe some mod can create a post in faq forum with this.
What type of soldering tool did you use ( product name if ya can remeber please )
also, did you need a magnifying glass?
and are you saying if I get an a300 data cable, I dont need to move any pins around?
on ebay, most or all of the a300 conectors have 2 gator pins in them
what do we do about them?

Octavious posted on Oct 25 2004 at 02:18 AM said:
What type of soldering tool did you use ( product name if ya can remeber please )
choose whatever you want, but you should use a thin tip, and it may be good if it is tempreture regulatet
also, did you need a magnifying glass?
could be usefull, but i dont think you realy need one
and are you saying if I get an a300 data cable, I dont need to move any pins around?
you need to move some arround, but that realy isnt a problem, its easyer to solder when you remove all pins before soldering
on ebay, most or all of the a300 conectors have 2 gator pins in them
what do we do about them?
dont know what gator pins are

maybe steve-o/niglebrown could help you better
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could you go into a bit more detail on moving the pins?
do you mean I have to move each one of the little pins on the plug side that goes into the gp32?
ifso, how
or does that mean that I have to pick only certain wires to use for soldering to the board
when I get this all, I will take more pics, larger ones, maybe a movie also, but dont get me wrong, ur info is good also

you can remove/plug back in all the pins in the conenctor, so you only need a conenctor with at least 4 pins, where they are is not of intrest, just pull them out with a plier or something, solder wires to them, pull them back in in the right posistions.
Vimacs posted on Sep 3 2004 at 06:14 AM said:
It could be that the orange cable (+3.3v) can only be soldered at the smd resitor, not on the pin before it

You can solder on the Pin Before the Resistor :) Try it, it works :)
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Hi all,

Trying to make a UART cable that connects to the ext port. Does anyone know if the Samsung A300 charger (car or wall) has enough pins? I think a UART cable needs three?

EDIT: looks like the Samsung one is ok, if this post is anything to go by? (then again, may have used the data cable and not the charger...).

EDIT2: waaaaa! Just purchased a Samsung A300 car charger for the cable and it only has two cables. However there are three pins (2 are soldered together), so i maybe can use a different cable...

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