How To Make Combat For Atari 2600 Multiplayer?


Still Fresh
Jun 18, 2006

I've tried to change the keys in the stella emulator to make the game COMBAT for atari 2600 multiplayer.

Ideal would be (according to me) that the left and right shoulder buttons would be the trigger buttons for the joysticks.

The GP2X joystick needs to be turned 45 degrees clockwise so that UP is pointing to the screen.

The 4 buttons on the other side need to be turned 45 degrees counter clockwise.

I've tried to change the buttons a couple of times in stella but after a while I had several non working configurations :huh:

Did someone else already change the keys for COMBAT?

If yes, please let me know how!!

Or else can someone post the configuration file(s) needed to make it work?

I think the game COMBAT multiplayer on the GP2X would be the best thing since sliced bread :P

Kannibaal posted on Sep 15 2006 at 11:46 AM said:

I've tried to change the keys in the stella emulator to make the game COMBAT for atari 2600 multiplayer.

Ideal would be (according to me) that the left and right shoulder buttons would be the trigger buttons for the joysticks.

The GP2X joystick needs to be turned 45 degrees clockwise so that UP is pointing to the screen.

The 4 buttons on the other side need to be turned 45 degrees counter clockwise.

I've tried to change the buttons a couple of times in stella but after a while I had several non working configurations :huh:

Did someone else already change the keys for COMBAT?

If yes, please let me know how!!

Or else can someone post the configuration file(s) needed to make it work?

I think the game COMBAT multiplayer on the GP2X would be the best thing since sliced bread :P


Replying to my own thread here!

Worked it out myself. Created two profiles, one with the joysticks pointing at each other (so you play sideways looking at each other) and a different config which is just a two joystick setup with the shoulder buttons being the fire buttons.

The tricky part was that when you change it you're changing the global settings of the stella emulator and not
just the settings for only one game.

As soon as I replaced some keys (especially the Y-button) I was not able to change the settings.

Simple solution was to have the select and start to be premapped to commands and options. After which all commands were available and they could be accepted with the joystick button.

So I have now a stella 2 joystick setup for games which require two joysticks (i.e. indiana jones - raiders of the lost ark works great now!)

And I have a two joystick setup for games like combat, combat 2 and other games which are two player and which needs to move your character relatively, for example slotracers and some race around a track game which was far to difficult for me.

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