How To Edit Doom.wad


Child of the 80s
Dec 30, 2003
Wellington, NZ
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It basically says something like "you're not allowed to edit doom.wad" like its copyrighted or write protected.

So far, I have slapped my wads together and added them to the main doom.wad file. I now want to alter some of the graphical content, but get error messages when I try to update doom specific graphics. (It won't let me change them).

Is this an issue with Wintex 5? Its annoying since all I have to do is change some graphics and the Aliens TC will be GP32 playable!
I am also having this problem, Wintex won't let you edit IWADS, just PWADS. This makes editing them a nightmare as you have to edit the PWAD, merge it in the IWAD and just hope it works. :P
Ah, good idea! Now I think I can get this to work! Unfortunately, I'll probably have to do this for about 1000 sprites, but hey! :P
I just typed "hacking" and "iwad" into Google and it came back with something called XWE. I'm going to give that a go since Wintex is being annoying. Everything seems to be working ok with my Doom mod, except the "flats" arent there. D'oh (as Homer would say).