GPDooM features


The mighty penguin cat
Jun 8, 2003
Venice - ITALY
I have some suggestions for Craigix:

- why don't you add support for compressed WADs? An example: doom.wad is 12.1MBs "fat", while the 7-ZIP version (a free compression utility, better than ACE too, is 3.3MBs only (ZIP is 5.1MB, RAR is 4MB, ACE is 3.8MB).
You should consider this option if you want to add the support for 3rd-p WADs, as a SMC is not an hardisk, and space is limited.

- could you move the /DOOM directory from /GAME to /GPMM? Using PC-Link I can't see what is in any dir that is under /GAME.

Obviously these are only suggestions, not orders :rolleyes:
I hope you will remember them, I think they are essencial features in such a good project.
Yeah its all on my todo list. Having the zip support is a really good idea actually, i'd not thought of that.

There is a version that supports the midi music floating about now too, you can get it on IRC if you miss the doom music.

While we're on the topic of compression bzip2 is probably the best ... although I have yet to try out 7-Zip. Can such files be extracted by WinZip, or is not backwards-compatible?
Im only gonna say this once more because i dont wanna bug anyone with it. I just wish for ogg support, since takes way less space than mp3s.

If there was ogg support for doom, i wouldnt only use doom to play games i would use it as an ogg player! :P

And zip support is a great idea.
To view thing in the \game directory you have to change pc-link from gp mode to normal mode (or something like that)
Rico posted on Aug 10 2003 said:
While we're on the topic of compression bzip2 is probably the best ...
I have agree with Rico that bzip2 is probably the best.
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zip or bzip2 is a very good idea, but i still hope he looks at the zdoom sources and insert the zdoom mod support :) there are very cool tc's for doom
7-zip takes a lot of procesor usage. I'm using a 677 mhz pc with 7zip and it takes almost 85-99 % of cpu time to extract a file over 300 mb. Ofcourse the doom wad is much smaller but it wil still take a lot of cpu time.

edit// changed the was > wad
Yes, I know: 7Zip is slow (while compressing). It was just an example, even if I wonder why nobody use it, as it is free and terribly powerful.

Anyway the topic is not 7Zip :rolleyes: