I'm not sure I agree with the Chinese claims, we are not trying to use labour intensive servies, take having moulds made for example, why is it 6-10x as expensive in the UK?
I'm not sure I agree with the Chinese claims, we are not trying to use labour intensive servies, take having moulds made for example, why is it 6-10x as expensive in the UK?
Lower property costs, labor costs, worker safety, environmental concerns? Making a mould is not especially labor intesive, but I don't know if it involves harsh chemicals or chemicals expensive to dispose of? You also have to remember that a pound goes much, much further in China than it does in the UK. There is a story in the documentary about a lady who earns about 1500usd a YEAR and she is the richest woman in the village. She was able to educate her children, expand her house and eats well... So you really have to take the spending power of a pound into consideration. a good profit in China is not a good profit in the UK.
PS..Frontline has some really good docu's there if you like docu's. I highly recommend them. I've seen almost every one of them that they have online plus my tivo records all frontline episodes. Country Boys is really good (but kinda long), there are also a few other ones on China, one is called Tank Man and is a really good one.