How Many Different Gp2x ?

If you could connect an USB mouse, browsing and stuff wouldn't be a problem... ;)
Bluetooth or Wifi is a difficult decision. Being able to use Wifi hotspots is great but if Bluetooth is more prectical it might be the better choice and you can connect to the net with it using a mobile phone or your PC at home. Well, if we get SDIO snd USB to run, everyone can choose themselves and even add both at the same time... ;)
I'd say WiFi generally, simply because of the added potential for net-based gameplay. Not too bothered about browsing or checking emails, but assuming GP2x-es suffer from the same terminal spread-out-ness that GP32s did, you're going to want any multi-player option to, preferably, include seamless access to a server over the internet once connected.

That way it doesn't matter if you're 100 miles away from someone you're playing against... much better!
Jarska333 posted on Oct 22 2005 at 09:15 PM said:
USB trackball would be nicer, I'd wager.

usb JOYPAD!! :D
(or usb interface for a classic pad, snes , whatever :D )
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OrR posted on Oct 22 2005 at 11:28 PM said:
Yeah, might be. Imagine two little trackballs on the back behind the shoulder buttons... B)

Kinda like the boobs behind GP32, only this time, they're fondable. :rolleyes:
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Jarska333 posted on Oct 23 2005 at 12:12 AM said:
OrR posted on Oct 22 2005 at 11:28 PM said:
Yeah, might be. Imagine two little trackballs on the back behind the shoulder buttons... B)

Kinda like the boobs behind GP32, only this time, they're fondable. :rolleyes:
The GP32 has boobs? :blink:
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OrR posted on Oct 22 2005 at 10:39 PM said:
Jarska333 posted on Oct 23 2005 at 12:12 AM said:
OrR posted on Oct 22 2005 at 11:28 PM said:
Yeah, might be. Imagine two little trackballs on the back behind the shoulder buttons... B)

Kinda like the boobs behind GP32, only this time, they're fondable. :rolleyes:
The GP32 has boobs? :blink:
Squishy squishy!
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a touchscreen would be the same here. of course, a touchscreen would have additional advantages.
and the amazing thing with the sidekick is that you can have it optional, because you can flip the main-screen over the keyboard.
that is a feature, the DS misses badly.
I personally think the current specs are fine enough. In the circles I run, no one has any portables really, so I wouldn't get any use out of wifi. The PSP has wifi and I've never used it in a head to head manner. While some can think of some ideas for touchscreen usage, I just don't see the need for it.
You know I was just thinking about this today and I find that this thread seems to be as good a place as any to bring up this point.

Every time somene comes out with a game system that has one or two extra features people scream and complain how they dont want it unless it makes some sense for games. Move playback? Useless! Web Browsing? Useless! People scream that these thigns are some how hurting gaming and yet here is a thread asking for thigns like Wifi, bluetooth websurfing, trackball, touchpads... Okay I can see how a track ball might be nice for gaming but at the same time a lot of the stuff beign asked for is pointless unless there's an application that cam make use of it.

GPH said there'd be no USB linking between GP2Xs because they hadn't planned on it, sure this means nothing to a good developer that might think he can get it to work but even if he does then he has to find a way for other developers to include it in THEIR apps and some migt not even care to go any further than just getting things like Prts and Emulators to just plain RUN. Never mind the extra hassle of Online Multiplayer and trying to make it work with specific drivers or trying to come up with a wifi web browser for a device which wasn't intended to do such a thing.

The GP2X was designed with two general purposes:
1. Multimedia entertaiment (music and movies)
2. Entertainment applications (Ereader, commercial/homebrew gaming)

It dosent mean you cant get a SDIO card or some other WiFi dongle or even try to hook it up to a sonogram machine in an emergency if you want but it's not specifically going to be very good for those applications if the creators only saw you playing SNES emmulations on a train inbetween watching episodes of The Simpsons which you downloaded off the internet.

I doubt there was any thought made towards playing multiplayer games on the internet, plugging extra controllers into it or surfing the web and writting emails, if there was they probably would have stuck around and made the XGP with Gamepark. That they didn't suggests that all they wanted to do was make a simple gaming multimedia portable.

Which in a way is what a lot of people just seem to want.
I don't see all the fuss about the lack of a USB host. The USB connection was clearly not made to support external devices, it was for interconnectivity. If you want wireless via 802.11b/g/a or Bluetooth wait for an SDIO card to have a driver written for it-- there are even a couple of cards like Sandisk's 256MB+Wifi adapter that includes a power and wide-range WiFi adapter with 256MB of SD storage. It is my strong suspicion a driver will be rapidly written for one of these adapters and a simple browser quickly ported over for very simple internet tasks, e.g. reading prebookmarked sites, as typing with an onscreen keyboard is highly impractical.

As for an internal hard disk, I don't see GPH adding this, as it would hog the battery to be running a motor-- it would probably use more power than both CPUs combined (although not as much as the LCD panel's backlight, probably the most power hungry part of the unit.)

But when it comes right down to it do you really want to try and browse the net on a Gp2x with no touchscreen, keyboard or mouse? Or have a hard disk hanging off your USB port? I don't think many people really would after the 'gee-wiz' factor wears off in a moment or two.
Epicenter posted on Oct 23 2005 at 07:55 AM said:
As for an internal hard disk, I don't see GPH adding this, as it would hog the battery to be running a motor-- it would probably use more power than both CPUs combined (although not as much as the LCD panel's backlight, probably the most power hungry part of the unit.)

unpowered hubs already exist :P
that's why self powered drives are also existing ;)

but ums doesn't mean necessary HDDs, it can be cardreaders too ;)
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In other words, is it wise to buy one now? or should i wait?