By standard air mail. it took nine days. Not too shabby.
I had a bunch of WiFi disconnects initially, so updated the firmware. Since doing that, I've had one disconnect, but it's been connected for about 40 minutes now with no problem. Touch wood, the new firmware sorted that. Everything else seems to be solid. The firmware update gave a brief glimpse of the thought that went into organizing the boot management.
(Haha, just as I was typing this it disconnected. I shall investigate the router configuration further.)
I've chosen the full desktop. It's great. This truly is a special thing to hold in the hands. One could not expect the controls to be better. The keyboard is indeed usable. I typed quickly on it so the typing force I used would be inconsistent, and didn't end up with any typos. Champion.
Just going to investigate how to set up the file structure on the SD cards and get Firefox installed. I'm using two SanDisk Ultra 32GB SDHC class 6, Pandora seems very happy with them.
Wow, after 3 1/2 years, here it is. It was so fucking worth the wait, and I haven't even put stuff on it yet.