How Good Are These Sega Games?


Dec 16, 2007
Of all the 20-in-1, 50-in-1, whatever, systems this looks the most appealing as it has recognisable games. Sadly, I got my first system some time in 2003, and it was a GBC, so I don't actually have any experience with these SEGA games.

I've looked some of them up on Wikipedia, but all that tells me is the game type, and I think they only had entries for about 15 of them.

Here's the list:

Sonic Drift II
Fantasy Zone
Fantasy Zone: The Maze
Super Columns (I could only find Columns on the list in Wikipedia)
Columns (since it has both, I'm assuming there has to be something different about Super Columns)
Bomber Raid
Alex Kidd in High Tech World
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Altered Beast
Global Defense (aka SDI apparently)
Penguin Land
Snail Maze (this one's simple enough that from the description I think I already like it, although I'm not sure it beats out Pipe Dreams on my cell phone)
Assault City
The Ninja
Astro Warrior
Sonic Triple Trouble
Aztec Adventure
Ecco: The Tides of Time
Kung Fu Kid

Which games are worth playing? Which ones are crap? I've seen one review that mentioned Sonic Triple Trouble and Ecco were good, and Alex Kidd was crap... but one opinion doesn't get me very far.
Alex Kidd in Miracle World is one of the best games ever. In my opinion, anyway.
Fantasy Zone
Fantasy Zone: The Maze
fun shooter games...really messed up and random...good fun.

Super Columns (I could only find Columns on the list in Wikipedia)
Columns (since it has both, I'm assuming there has to be something different about Super Columns)
columms is the tetris of GameGear, back in the day...good puzzle game.

Alex Kidd in Miracle World

Altered Beast
the game gets a lot of flak, but it was relaly awesome for me in the arcades..and then getting my Genesis when it came out and being blown away by how much like the arcade this game was was truly a estament to Genesis power, for me anyhow.

Penguin Land
Strangely, I'vev been meaning to play this..along with all the 8-bit card games for Ghost House and Teddy Boy

Snail Maze (this one's simple enough that from the description I think I already like it,
fun and easy..really good for a free game they set up on the system itself.

The Ninja
surpirsingly fun to play. difficult as all hell. but you can dissappear to avoid enemy fire, like Time Soldiers / Alien Syndrome (the Top down type games) but with a twist..and nice twist...Ikaruga it ain't, but kinda neat.

Astro Warrior
lame..never interested me.

Aztec Adventure
Platformer, if i recall. meh.

Ecco: The Tides of Time
been menaing to play this... so0o0o0o many good reviews of it. Your a dlphin, of all things!

Kung Fu Kid
yeah, ain't Shinobi.

Now here is where I wax fanatical! as long as i live I will never forget the Xmas where my sister and I had our SMS for about two months, and then under the tree, Sanata leaving us quartet. How my parents ever picked thi game I'll never know..maybe because it was two player simtaineously ...but my sister and I played THE SHIT out of this game. It paled in comarpison to itself arcade couterpart, but your in play Mary or Edgar, you jump and shoot, get jet packs, kill booses, get keys and open the doors to the next level. I prided myself on the fact I could get to the final boss without getting hit is an easy game, seriously, but I loved it and I'll still pick it up today if I felt the urge. the music still rings in my ear ;)
Thanks. That's looking pretty good.

Seems there's a slightly different version called the PlayPal. I was able to, through several refreshs of their site, get a list of some of the games. Only 14 out of the 20 though, but some of them are different.

Tails Adventure
Alex Kidd in High Tech World
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Altered Beast
Astro Warior
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Ecco 2: The Tides of Time
Fantasy Zone
Fantasy Zone 2
Golden Axe
Penguin Land
Super Columns
Basically, for the price you can not go wrong here. I've got the Coleco version, and it's well worth the $20 spent... It's only a little larger than a Game Boy Micro, so it fits easily in my pocket, and many of the games are really good. These are basically Master System/Game Gear 8-bit games, but the gameplay on many is excellent. Alex Kidd and Fantasy Zone are the highlights as far as I'm concerned, but there's lots of fun to be had....
aztec adventure is like the crappiest game ever, penguin land is by far the best game on that list! fantasy zone is good, columns is a solid puzzle game, well the rest is crap cept the golden axe dwarf..

p.s. ecco is a fruit

edited: fantasy zone not star
ketchupgun said:
Penguin Land
[/b]Strangely, I'vev been meaning to play this..along with all the 8-bit card games for Ghost House and Teddy Boy

im pretty sure penguin land was never released on card, i had it (crap boulder dash type affair but you had to get your egg to the bottom of the level avoiding polar bears etc), it was a cartridge and one of only few for the master system that came with battery backed memory to save your creations on the level editor, i had it the same xmas i got the light gun, the 3d glasses, maze hunter 3d and missile defence 3d, not the most enjoyable of xmasses as you can guess :P , alex kidd in miracle world by far best game on the list. i also really enjoyed hi tech world, its a strange puzzle/quest based game where you have to perform tasks to get pieces of a ticket, a lot of people dont like it, takes all of about half an hour to complete, but if your after something a bit odd its quite good.
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I've got the PlayPal one (from Coleco), and can't get enough of that Aztec Adventure game. It's a little bit like Lost Vikings, only it takes a bit more perseverance. You pick up different coloured rocks to get different animals to join your little gang. All well and good. The Ninja is also an amazing game, probably one of my all-time favourites. With these type of machines, it's best to not ask and just buy one, you're bound to like something. Remember that at one point in history, these games would've cost around £30 each, so to justify those prices, the games would've had at least a modicum of substance. And since you're looking at this thing, that means you're into the whole "retro" thing (although I'm not particularly fond of that term), therefore you savour gameplay over graphics. All these games look better than your average NES game, so just go for it!