How Orders Are Going??

Ordered 18th September, received early this morning :D
Alas, USB doesn't seem to work :( but that's another thread.
If everyone that posts that they have received their unit, also post when they ordered and if or not they got their email, craigix wouldn't have to update us all the time.

I have read 12 pages about the orders and decided to write mine,too.

I am from Turkey and I pre-ordered my Gp2x on 18 or 19th of November.Nobody answers my e-mails and I am concerned about the delivery time.I will be happy if I get it by ealry December according to these pages.Do you at least guess when the shipping will be made?

PS:on 21the of November GBAX have taken the money from my account
21/11/05 GP32 DISTRIBUTION NEWCASTLE UP 18/11/05 297.73- YTL
I had the same question, and the answer was early december, so just hang in there :)
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Received confirmation email yesterday at 12:16pm. Order on the 19th September. No GP2X delivered today though, damn post office! Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow, not holding out on the headphones or case. And I thought I had ordered early!
Im hopefully ordering mine in about half an hour when my dad gets back, and i seriously need it for xmas, or ill be very grumpy... :P

Ps. nearly my 1 year anniversary at :P lolz

Edit: by the by, well done thanks craigx / jacquelyn for the hard work put into to getting people their gp2x's :)
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My first post, and a happy post :D

Ordered on 8th October and received my email today. Thanks to everyone at gbax for their hard work.
nice one mate, i envy you all :P. Oh well its my fault for not knowing what i wanted for xmas until 2 weeks ago :rolleyes: . A little off topic, and very lazy of me, but anyone know of any gp2x reviews around? cheers

Edit: Found one :)
Huzzah! I can stop hitting F5 now :D

Anyone want to lay odds on the post man arriving exactly 5 minutes after I leave in the morning? :ph34r:
Got my email! kickass (ordered Oct 8th)

I guess I will be late for work tommorow :rolleyes: damn that trafic/frosted up car etc etc

EDIT : Just noticed this post is number 200 in the thread, my gbax email was number 200 in my inbox aswell. How spooky