How Does The Joystick Handle?


Still Fresh
Nov 22, 2005
How is the joystick? Is it as good as the d-pad on games that were meant for the d-pad? Also, speaking of buttons, the GP32 only had an A and a B button. That must've sucked (how did you guys play SNES games?), and, just realizing this, am gald I didn't buy one. Now I think I'll wait for the GPX2, or for someone to perfect the hacks on the PSP.
My, arent' we energetic.. The GP32 joystick is really resonsive and very well made... the GP2X stick seems to be having a bit of trouble, but that's being worked on. The A and B button or the GP32 area really good, and the shoulder buttons work well, but somethimes they need a small "paper fix" Search for paper and shoulder should find that for you.

The emulators on the GP32 are VERY flushed out and most of them are quite complete, with a couple exceptions.

The GP2X just got released, so it's emulators have yet to have a lot of the bugs worked out and the few that are available are pretty much alpha versions.
Personally I like the clickyness of the gp32's joystick more than the gp2x's non clicking joystick. For me the gp2x's joystick needs getting used to and it also depends on the type of game that you play.

Frodo on the gp2x end gp32: anarchy (hewson), boulderdash, mspacman require 100% horizontal & vertical joystick movements only or your character will move in an unwanted direction or not move at all.

With the gp32's joystick it's easier to only move horizontally en vertically only than with the gp2x's joystick. But perhaps one could improve the joystick readout (the gp2x's joystick does have more microswitches than the gp32's)

Moving through frodo's menus is easier with the gp32's stick than with the gp2x's stick, I tend to overshoot. Also using the virtual keyboard is easier with a clicking stick....

in games like Hexen, Quake, the gp2x's stick is just great though.

I am an old skool microswitch joystick liker, I preferred the Suzo Arcade clicking microswitch joystick over the spectravision membrane joystick we also had for the c64. My brother actually preferred the spectravision joystick because it looked like the trigger from a fighter plane.
Personally I like the clickyness of the gp32's joystick more than the gp2x's non clicking joystick. For me the gp2x's joystick needs getting used to and it also depends on the type of game that you play.

Frodo on the gp2x end gp32: anarchy (hewson), boulderdash, mspacman require 100% horizontal & vertical joystick movements only or your character will move in an unwanted direction or not move at all.

With the gp32's joystick it's easier to only move horizontally en vertically only than with the gp2x's joystick. But perhaps one could improve the joystick readout (the gp2x's joystick does have more microswitches than the gp32's)

Moving through frodo's menus is easier with the gp32's stick than with the gp2x's stick, I tend to ofershoot. Also using the virtual keyboard is easier with a clicking stick....

in games like Hexen, Quake, the gp2x's stick is just great though.

I am an old skool microswitch joystick liker, I preferred the Suzo Arcade clicking microswitch joystick over the spectravision membrane joystick we also had for the c64. My brother actually preferred the spectravision joystick because it looked like the trigger from a fighter plane.

Remember what the GP32 stick was like when you first got it? Very sensitive to get used to I remember.

All the joys of a new toy I would say..... :)
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Remember what the GP32 stick was like when you first got it? Very sensitive to get used to I remember.

All the joys of a new toy I would say..... :)

Well I say the gp32's joystick reminded me of the Suzo Arcade joystick instantly. Also it's quite close to the Neogeopocket's joystick. ah well, it is indeed the joys of a new toy.
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I didn't like the GP32 at the beginning (I still find it a bit too responsive), I like the gp2x stick better, to be honest.
Not perfect, but if you play a while, you get used to it.

Only problem I have is that it often goes top-right when I press right, but as already said, this may be changed with software (as it has two contacts in between of each direction)
Look at the below chart. You can see many options to tune the stick into something more useable. The case 2 orthographic bias is best for emulating the GP32 and most other traditional 8-way sticks. The big trick is to coax devs into giving us a few of those options in a menu or something.

there is an even easier way: just use 4 directions and the diagonal result of combinations. that is the "traditional" way and will solve this "strange behavior" the GP2X stick seems to have.

there are no "traditional 8-way sticks". at least, i don't know a console/controller or other gamepad or jaoystick, which has 8 directions.
there is an even easier way: just use 4 directions and the diagonal result of combinations. that is the "traditional" way and will solve this "strange behavior" the GP2X stick seems to have.

there are no "traditional 8-way sticks". at least, i don't know a console/controller or other gamepad or jaoystick, which has 8 directions.

Lots and Lots and arcade machines ie Neo-Geo,CPS1,CPS2 etc
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Mark1970 said:
Frodo on the gp2x end gp32: anarchy (hewson), boulderdash, mspacman require 100% horizontal & vertical joystick movements only or your character will move in an unwanted direction or not move at all.

Snaff just released a new version of Frodo which should help with that -- it reads the joystick inputs differently, so it does seem to be a software thing.
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