How do you have your SMC's organized?


Still Fresh
Aug 12, 2003
Here's a crazy question I though I'd throw out to everyone. I have been burning my SMC's lately and trying to find the perfect organization for it (being a bit anal and all)... Have you all spent any thought as to how you organize the cards?

For example - I just completed a ATARI800 card which has all the 8bit games fitting neatly on one 128mb Card. I also just completed a PCENGINE/COLECO Card which still has a bit of room left over in case I find anything that is missing for either system...

Curiously - what have you guys done?

HZ :ph34r:
I recently wiped and cleaned up my 128MB card. I use windups, as I like having backgrounds and stuff.

I have a few homebrew games, and nes, pcengine, c64, gbc emus. I have all my movies in the gpetc folder.

also, dongs.
I have one SMC. I keep AVIs in gpetc, ROMs in gpmm/(system abbreviation) when possible, and MP3s in...wait, only one choice. <_< I plan to get a second SMC just for AVIs and MP3s, so I can have more room on the first for games.
As i only use pacrom mine is a bit different i only have 3 folders in the end being game + gpmm + mp3 no gpetc. but within gpmm i use the following folders
Games (homebrews etc)
Apps (mapviewers, mp3 player beta and that tone dialer)
Emulators (atari st, Pc engine, nes, neogp32 etc)
and then a ton of other folders all being the seperate rom folders eg nes + pc engine folders
So i guess in this way an smc card reader writer + pac rom are very useful 4 me
I have one 128MB for mp3's, mods and sids and one 128MB for games, then I have an old 8MB for the digital camera. ;>

Gotta get more 128MB's for mp3's.. and perhaps a separate one for the scumm games..
I have four SMC's.

One 32MB for games.
One 64MB for MP3's.
Two 128MB for movies.

:D :D :D :D :D :D
I have one SMC, 128mb, I load it up with tons of games and wipe it about once a month (putting new stuff in). I put movies in /MOVIE and leave /GPETC and /GPSYS empty but present.
Only have one 32MB card left :(
Not much to organize with one 32MB card.
All space taken up by projects.
I use pacrom, so I have these folders on my SMCs:

GPMM (for all the data files ;)

I have one SMC with NES emulators and ROMS (full :)
I have one SMC with SMS emulators and ROMS (also full ;)
I have one SMC with Atari ST, C64 and Atari 800 (and my favourite games - full)
I have one SMC with games and apps for the GP32 (homebrew and commercial)
I have one SMC with PC-Engine and Colecovision (and my favourite games)

And I have one SMC for GPCinema and movies :)

Certainly a lot of different ways people out there are doing it.

I think the funniest answer was R0lf's "SOUP".

Evil Dragon - I like the way you have things organized... particularly the SMC card with the homebrew stuff on it. (I have been very impressed by some of this stuff to say the least). Only 1 Card for the NES Stuff - you must have had a hard time picking and choosing.

Thanks everyone for the replies...

HZ :ph34r:
I have 1 smc for everything. I dont use mp3s anymore because I have an mp3 discman, but I welcome any games that use mp3s. Im too lazy to specify exactly what I have on my 128mb card...
Well, i just put all my mp3's in mp3 and i use the gpetc as follows: i have 3 sepperate folders in there divx, pics, e-book. i put the corrresponding files in each and vualla. 128mb card full in a few minutes =(. its a shame i wanna buy some more to be able to fit more movies and mp3's.
hiroziro posted on Aug 22 2003 said:
Only 1 Card for the NES Stuff - you must have had a hard time picking and choosing.
Not really - about 800 roms zipped on one SMC is enough, don't you think?
I just left out all the japanese roms, the alternate versions and the bad dumps :)
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EvilDragon posted on Aug 22 2003 said:
Not really - about 800 roms zipped on one SMC is enough, don't you think?
I just left out all the japanese roms, the alternate versions and the bad dumps :)
Cool! Well that is what I will spend my weekend organizing. :P

HZ :ph34r:
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