How Do I Play Atari St Games


Still Fresh
Sep 6, 2007
hi can anyone please help me i have had my gp2x for about 3 weeks and im playing all the snes/megadrive/mame and freeware fine but my problem is im trying to play atari st games and have installed OutcaST and done everything of the instructions like making a atari-st folder and inserting the tos.rom in there with a couple of games but when i go to use it the outcast on the gp2x it runs but it keeps saying press x to continue thenit says message no disks were selected-using defaults then it says press x and then says no tos.rom file found-run will fail and it goes back to the menu on the gp2x what am i doing wrong i am runing v3.0 dont no if this matters if you can help i will be most grateful many thanks .dean
dean said:
hi can anyone please help me i have had my gp2x for about 3 weeks and im playing all the snes/megadrive/mame and freeware fine but my problem is im trying to play atari st games and have installed OutcaST and done everything of the instructions like making a atari-st folder and inserting the tos.rom in there with a couple of games but when i go to use it the outcast on the gp2x it runs but it keeps saying press x to continue thenit says message no disks were selected-using defaults then it says press x and then says no tos.rom file found-run will fail and it goes back to the menu on the gp2x what am i doing wrong i am runing v3.0 dont no if this matters if you can help i will be most grateful many thanks .dean
have the same problem :(

can someone help ???
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Strange, I have this exact same problem on Outcast PSP, but not on GP2X using the exact same tos.rom file (i think it was tos1.02 UK). Works fine for me on GP2X, all i can suggest is either trying a few different tos.rom files, or else looking for an older version of Outcast which my one is (& works fine)

I'd be interested in hearing replies as this may help my PSP problem. There is a monsterpack torrent for Atari ST which has all the games pre-installed and is ready to go. Just google GP2X and torrents to find it. It is based on an older version of Outcast, but works great.
For the missing disks -- just make sure you tell it to insert a disk. The menus tell you which buttons to press .. if you just blunder through hitting one button, chances are you're firing up the emu with no disks set to be 'in the drives'.

For TOS ROM file .. make sure it is named right, in the right place. I forget if its case sensitive, but make sure Windows isn't hiding some other extension on it, etc. Windows is really stupid abouit filenames though -- it might show you an all uppercase name, when really its hiding the fact is mixed case or lowercase, etc.. so usually Windows is messing with the case. But I think I made it handle all uppercase and all lowercase, or maybe scan for name without case.. it shoudln't be _that_ hard :)

Should work great on PSP and GP2x .. same codebase pretty much :)

skeezix said:
For the missing disks -- just make sure you tell it to insert a disk. The menus tell you which buttons to press .. if you just blunder through hitting one button, chances are you're firing up the emu with no disks set to be 'in the drives'.

For TOS ROM file .. make sure it is named right, in the right place. I forget if its case sensitive, but make sure Windows isn't hiding some other extension on it, etc. Windows is really stupid abouit filenames though -- it might show you an all uppercase name, when really its hiding the fact is mixed case or lowercase, etc.. so usually Windows is messing with the case. But I think I made it handle all uppercase and all lowercase, or maybe scan for name without case.. it shoudln't be _that_ hard :)

Should work great on PSP and GP2x .. same codebase pretty much :)

i used the tos file that worked on my gp32 ..... still that f### msg :(
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Hmm, the PSP one is looking in exactly:

It might be case sensitive .. *shrug*

Your game roms do not go in the same folder a TOS.rom (at lease for the version I have.) You need to put them in the root of your sd in roms\atari-st
If you're stuck let me know .. I could do a refresh of the gp2x build, just to get it updated to my later font code (better looking dialog boxes), and dump some debug :P Concentrating on Battlejewels right now.

got it fixed but when i start a game i only get a black screen...
(i am using imgs that worked with cast gp32 ...)
Make sure the TOS isn't zipped? Try the US version.. thats the one I tested the most. Perhaps your GP32 TOS dump has gone funky over the years..

skeezix said:
Make sure the TOS isn't zipped? Try the US version.. thats the one I tested the most. Perhaps your GP32 TOS dump has gone funky over the years..


that did it :)

used us tos... now it works like a charm....
and its much faster then on my gp32 :) :)

thx a lot
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