How Do I Know When It's Fully Charged?


Still Fresh
Mar 24, 2010
I got my Wiz this morning and it's been charging via the USB port on my computer for about 3 hours (powered on for a bit to have a quick play :)

How do I know when it's fully charged? Is the light meant to change colour or flash or something?

The light currently looks green, but since i'm red/green color blind it might not be :)
I think the light changes colour or something but I'm not entirely sure since I have a pre-release USB cable that itself has a light that changes colour. Hence I never end up looking at the light on the Wiz itself.
Peter R said:
I think the light changes colour or something but I'm not entirely sure since I have a pre-release USB cable that itself has a light that changes colour. Hence I never end up looking at the light on the Wiz itself.

It's just turned blue, so I guess that's it now. Thanks :)
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