How do I install Linux driver on the Pandora?

According to the makefiles MT7610U supports the chipsets

rt2860, rt2870, rt2880, rt2070, rt3070, rt3090, rt3572, rt3062, rt3562, rt3593, rt3573

rt3562(for rt3592), rt3050, rt3350, rt3352, rt5350, rt5370, rt5390, rt5572, rt5592,
rt8592(for rt85592), mt7650e, mt7630e, mt7610e, mt7650u, mt7630u, mt7610u

and MT7601U

So, iff your dongle has a mt7650u (which seems to be doubtful), the first one would be the right one.
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From your previous lsmod output, you had module 'mt7650u_sta' loaded.  I've no idea why building a package called 'MT7610_LinuxSTA' would give you that kernel module, but it at least tallies with that wiki page.

I'd still like to know what this interface called usb0 is.  As Linux-SWAT says it shouldn't be your wireless interface - I've not got one to hand to test, but plugging in a USB ethernet port shows up an extra eth interface (eth0 on Pandora, eth1 on my laptop that's already got a eth0 interface), so I'd expect it to show up as wlan1 on Pandora.  According to my googlefu, usb0 is an artifact of usbnet, and that is a loaded kernel module on both my Pandora and my laptop - but that doesn't explain why I've never seen it on my systems.
OK guys.  Thanks for all the help from all the people involved here.  I guess this is one of those realities that devices like OpenPandora have to face.  We're outcasts in the eyes of these damn hardware vendors.

I'll return this damn thing back to STAPLES.  Please go and enjoy your weekend and don't waste your brains on this useless dongle. :)

Mod.  Please close this thread.
Thought I'd share this with you guys just in case anyone runs into this issue again. I've been struggling with the AE6000 as well until I realized the vendor & product IDs for this particular dongle isn't listed in './common/rtusb_dev_id.c'. I've attached a patch which adds the AE6000's device IDs. Hope this works for You guys, it did for me :-)


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