Hotfix 5, Where's mplayer?


Jun 2, 2008
I have installed hotfix 5, and now I can't find mplayer. I know some applications have been removed to get a bit more of space in the internal flash, because there are .PND replacements, but I can't find a .PND mplayer file...

Is there a mplayer binary in .PND or other format?
Install the Codec Pack (again). The codec pack cannot be included in any of the base images.
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I`m on Hotfix 4, VLC plays ok. Installed CodecPack-1.1.pnd then SMPlayer-0.6.9-1.pnd and I get the message,

MPlayer. has finished unexpectedly exit code 127

Error while loading shared libraries

I reinstalled the CodecPack to no avail.
I think that is actually a bug with this SMPlayer beta. I read it somewhere (maybe at the other forum).
I`m on Hotfix 4, VLC plays ok. Installed CodecPack-1.1.pnd then SMPlayer-0.6.9-1.pnd and I get the message,

MPlayer. has finished unexpectedly exit code 127

Error while loading shared libraries

I reinstalled the CodecPack to no avail.
Yes, I just tried flashing HF5 beta4, too, and had the same problem. But it does also happen with the "old" codec pack. In HF5b2 everything was still working nicely. Now retrying to flash this firmware and check if will now be installed correctly (somehow I fear that this won't be the case). In theory this file should be provided by ncurses, so something is wrong...
Okay, found the problem:

Do not install the new codec pack!

The reason is simple:

1) In my testing I thought I installed the new version. I ran the installer on my system with the "old" codec pack already installed. Since there was no errormessage from opkg I thought the task was done successfully, it was not. It was never installed!

2) After reflashing the pandora to HF5 beta 4 I had no codec pack installed and tried to install the new version. Now the lovely broken packages (like mplayer being linked against packages that are a) not part of the installation like libtinfo5 and B) in too new versions like libjpeg making the mplayer not start.

3) If you want to downgrade back to the old codec pack you have to reflash! Otherwise you won't get a working mplayer back. It is not easily possible to make opkg install the working version.

So basically: if mplayer does not start (try to start it from a terminal using the plain command 'mplayer') because of missing libs, you have to reflash and reapply the old codec pack which is available from the official website.

Sorry for the problems I caused. I fear that the only way to get a nicely updated mplayer and libs for the pandora, we need to have a build server with the specific feeds and all deps to generate a nicely tailored mplayer.
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Okay, found the problem:

Do not install the new codec pack!

My Pandora has been freshly reflashed with hotfix 5 and I haven't reinstalled yet the codec pack. So for now I should install an old codec pack, right?

Where do I take it?

I guess that the 2010-05 codec pack, i.e. the one in http://www.openpando...emid=40&lang=en is the new one?

(or maybe I better wait that things get sorted out) :)
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Okay, found the problem:

Do not install the new codec pack!

My Pandora has been freshly reflashed with hotfix 5 and I haven't reinstalled yet the codec pack. So for now I should install an old codec pack, right?

Where do I take it?

I guess that the 2010-05 codec pack, i.e. the one in http://www.openpando...emid=40&lang=en is the new one?

(or maybe I better wait that things get sorted out) :)
The new codec pack was posted at the "file archive" so that it could be tested by some users. After the problems were found it was directly removed. The stuff you find on the official webside is the correct stuff.