Release Hotfix 2 For Zaxxon Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
I just officially released HotFix 2 for our current OS version (Zaxxon).

This HotFix can be installed on any Zaxxon system, regardless if it is just brand new or has HotFix Pack 1, HotFix Pack 2 Beta or skeezix MiniMenu patch installed.
It will only updated what needs to be updated.

If you already installed the Beta Version of HotFix 2: The only change is some permissions of /etc/pointercal (from 777 to 666), a fix as Evince and Gigolo PND-Scripts got mixed up and I forgot to include the new script for the LCD-State-Saving. If you want to have that fixed, simply install the final version of HotFix Pack 2.

To install it, simply download the .PND-Package and place it into either the /pandora/menu or /pandora/desktop - Folder on your SD-Card.
Simply start it and follow the on-screen instructions. You can remove the .PND-Package from the card once it has been installed.

This package includes the following fixes:

Hotfix 1:
* Kernel: Fixed a bug that caused the Linux Systemtimer to halt sometimes
* Included missing packages: python-shell_2.6.4, python-pygtk_2.16.0, python-pycairo_1.4.0, gnome-vfs-plugin-http_2.24.1, gnome-vfs-plugin-ftp_2.24.1

Hotfix 2:
* Bluetooth: Disabling and restoring state on startup now working properly
* XFCE4: When switching from MiniMenu to XFCE4, the settings are now properly loaded
* Brightness-State: When shutting down, a brightness level of 0 is not saved
* MiniMenu: Fixed caching and closed a memory leak
* Automount: Now using umask 0 and noatime. Unmounting is using Lazy Mount.
* Interfaces: Fixed the file. Now WiFi isn't disturbed by usb-network anymore
* WiFi: LEDs now working
* Kernel: Video: don't force waiting for refresh
* MiniMenu: XFCE4-Apps now included in MiniMenu
* New: Boost, Lua5.1 and Evince
* New: Script to change the LCD refresh rate from 50 / 60 Hz (ideal for emulators)
* Some typo fixes and general tweaks

Click here to download HotFix Package 2
Downloaded the version from the appstore just but it doesn't show up on my pandora anywhere? I put it in my Menu folder, I even rebooted but it's not anywhere, hmm :)

edit: tried the one from your link but it doesn't show up anywhere, funny coz the codec pack and hotfix 1 showed up fine?

edit2: The change log shows in documentation but not the hotfix2 anywhere???
senorgomez said:
How do you extract the pnd contents? I want to check out these scripts.

You can mount it on a Linux Box with mount -o loop Hotfix2-Zaxxon.pnd /mountpoint

puppydee: Maybe you have a broken download. Try to redownload.
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Nar, tried downloading on the pandora with fennec and also midori and I've download twice on my pc but no joy either. Oh well I'm giving up for the night and I'll retry tomorrow. Thanks for the update though Ed I'm sure I'll get it going in the morning :)
I hate to spoil your fun, but how do you plan on getting away with using someone else's trademark? (Zaxxon)

For a while no one may notice, but eventually you're going to use one that someone cares about.
Puppydee - look carefully; maybe it's called Hotfix, or Pandora Hotfix or what? Is it in System?

DAP said:
I hate to spoil your fun, but how do you plan on getting away with using someone else's trademark? (Zaxxon)

For a while no one may notice, but eventually you're going to use one that someone cares about.

Well, check out the trademark search engine:

Zaxxon is registered for building materials, carpets and (already abandoned) video game software.
The RC-Name for the OS is none of that and I'm pretty sure that Sega only registered it for Video Games.
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You may want to change the thread title to "Hotfix 2 For Pandora OS (Zaxxon) Released"

I clicked into this thread by chance. I thought it was a game. ;)
I can second it not showing up in the menu, shows up in minimenu (that's how I installed it), but not in the system menu.

One small thought is that maybe you used the same unique id and it isn't showing because we still have hotfix one on our cards?
Can I install this from minimenu or do I need to be in XFCE to do it?
The hotfix showed up fine for me - but I put it in the "desktop" directory, because I've done that with every update so far in order to keep them separated from my regular apps and stuff. :p It all went smoothly - good update, ED. :D

TylerAW said:
What is Zaxxon?
A 1982 arcade game. ;)
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WizardStan said:
Prometheus said:
Also the name of the release for the current Pandora OS. :p

It's also the name of a Hungarian river fish that can only be seen in the first and second months of spring!

On a more relevant note. I've just installed Hotfix 2 and I now have a red LED that is constantly on. It's on the left hand side of my pandora. I'd never even see it on before today. Does anyone know what it means? I looked on the wiki but couldn't find anything.
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