Which is your favourite?

  • Total voters

I would be grateful if those games included a small key-ology. What keys are for what. It took me 15 minutes to figure out that L/R buttons are for switching bodies in grayout.
EDIT2: still doesn't run. Here are the contents of pndrun_robo-hell.out:


PND_SCRIPT      : pnd_run.sh

PND_ARGS        : -p /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu//RoboHell-0.1.pnd -e game.py -b robo-hell

PND         	: /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu//RoboHell-0.1.pnd

PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs

APPDATADIR      : /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/robo-hell

APPDD_FSTYPE    : vfat

PND_CPUSPEED    : <unset>

EXENAME     	: game.py

ARGUMENTS   	: <unset>


[21h55m16   START ]======= Mount the PND ============================================

[21h55m16    INFO ] - Mounting : mount -t squashfs "/dev/loop0" "/mnt/pnd/robo-hell"

[21h55m16    INFO ] - mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,

[21h55m16   ERROR ] - missing codepage or helper program, or other error

[21h55m17    INFO ] - In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try

[21h55m17    INFO ] - dmesg | tail  or so

[21h55m17    INFO ] - 

[21h55m17 WARNING ] - : mount faild, re-tring

[21h55m18    INFO ] - mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,

[21h55m19   ERROR ] - missing codepage or helper program, or other error

[21h55m19    INFO ] - In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try

[21h55m19    INFO ] - dmesg | tail  or so

[21h55m19    INFO ] - 

[21h55m19   ERROR ] - The PND File-system is not mounted !

[21h55m20   ERROR ] - The Union File-system is not mounted !

[21h55m20  FAILED ]======= Mount the PND ============================================


Return code is : 12
Same issue here.

I though that was my script, but it isnt : I cant mount it on my host either.
I figured out, that the pnd problems seems just to be in hf5. But don't know, why. :-?

If you download the zip file, it is not necessary to start the sh file. The "normal" snowman-file should work as well.

as I promised, here the other Builds and the Source.

Snowman Caanoo

Snowman Dingoo

Snowman Wiz

Snowman GP2X - at the moment I have problems to compile it for the orginal gp2x firmware. The WIZ-Version works fine with open2x on the gp2x!

Snowman Linux x86 If somebody want, he can compile this games for 64 Bit and Windows, too.

Snowman Source Have a look in the VERY simple Makefile. I know my kind of coding and using the header files is VERY ugly. I will clean up my code in the future, but for now I need a coding break. ;-)

greetings, Ziz
A short review of my thoughts so far.

Greyout: I finished it! Game's quite a mind-bender, but I felt proud when I completed all the levels (though there aren't many). I really like the tight game physics & the fact that you can quickly restart a level if you screw up and have unlimited lives (as for the L/R buttons, I figured that out almost immediately). The graphics are simple but appealing. They have that economical sensibility that I really like, which you can see when good coders/engineers try to make art ("Dilbert" and "The Danish Poet" are other examples). The animations are quite nice, also. I have nothing to criticize about this one, just keep working on it like you have been and making it bigger and better! :)

Raedr: This is really similar to a popular online Flash game I played a few months ago. I don't remember its name, but you're a small figure who has to keep running to the right and jumping while things explode and buildings fall behind you. A simple and enjoyable enough mechanism. The graphics are pleasant. The gameplay itself is nice. But the game is really hampered by the fact that the various "loading", "get ready", "high score", "fail" etc. scrolling texts & animations take up as much time as the gameplay itself, considering how frequently you die and have to start over. What SHOULD be happening is that after you die, you get to restart immediately, without any loading screens or high score, or anything longer than a second (you can see the high scores after you're done, and the novelty of the introductory animations wears pretty thin after the first few times). The game's enjoyability would rise threefold if that were done.

Wars Commando: Pretty much the other side of the platforming spectrum from "Greyout", this game's not about thinking but more about shooting and acting on reflexes. I'm only on the third level so far. Some things are executed quite well (two different weapon types allow room for interesting level design), while there are also things I don't like. The primary colours in the first two levels really make the Pandora's screen bleed when in motion. Something to note for the future: it's better to have smoother colour gradations in Pandora-made games. I wish the "jump" button was "Y" instead of "X". I also wish that "run" was mapped to the "L" button instead of to double-tap, since running is practically required for many of the game's jumps. In general, I find that I'm not very good at the game. I keep running off of ledges rather than making the jumps (mostly because I can't double-tap accurately enough), and being forced to backtrack a lot after falling off some ledge or other. This does seem like it may be the "biggest" game of the entrants.

Rescue: I love the audio background to this one, and the graphics are pretty trippy as well (if a bit unfinished). The actual game mechanics are frustrating, though. If Greyout's game mechanics could be called "tight", this is rather the opposite, with lots of random bouncing and approximate movements (among the enemies, as well). There also seems to be no way to attack enemies, unless I'm mistaken? I'm just not sure what the right way to play it is, since I can't seem to defend myself from anything; it seems like just a matter of time before I die. There's no damage bar, either. It might be more successful as an art project than as a game.

Unready: well, it's okay... game mechanics are tight (it would be hard to screw up there). Could use some variety, though, unless I haven't progressed far enough to see it.

I haven't gotten "Snowman" or "Robo Hell" to work yet, so I'll post my thoughts on those if/when I do.
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Here are the Windows/Linux - Builds of Raedr as well as some media.

Please excuse my cameras quality:


Some pictures:



You can see it's mostly about jumping at the right moment. Currently the level-design isn't that good, but I will create more of them with a better difficulty-curve. I will also upload a version with less waiting time if richiz allows me to.

Download Windows/Linux

I have tested them on WinXP and Ubuntu 10. Hope it works for you.

Thanks for watching.
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I haven't gotten "Snowman" or "Robo Hell" to work yet, so I'll post my thoughts on those if/when I do.
nice review!

Robo Hell isn't working for me either. Even after I rename "Robo Hell.pnd" into "robo-hell.pnd" (the first error was about space in filename). Then I got errors about not enough loopback devices, which is strange. All that whiile trying pnd_run

You simply must try snowman, this is my favourite, together with greyout :) I would give both a first place.

Also I had no problems at all with running snowman, the .pnd just works. HF5 here.
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Really sorry guys I don't know why Robo Hell isn't finished.

Please use the .PY file until I sort it out.

To play game simply save file then double click/tap on it. This works for Pandora, linux and Windows provided you have PyGame installed. I'll try and knock up a proper pnd and EXE build later.


Scrap that theres a buy where it still crashes on level 4....need to fix it so just ignore this
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Seems to be the latest version by that checksum. Does anyone else have problems like this?

I am having the same problems exactly as cosurgi described, but only with the latest version downloaded from Milkshake's repo. The earlier versions I had no issues with.

Really sorry guys I don't know why Robo Hell isn't finished.

Please use the .PY file until I sort it out.

To play game simply save file then double click/tap on it. This works for Pandora, linux and Windows provided you have PyGame installed. I'll try and knock up a proper pnd and EXE build later.


Tempel's revised PND worked for me after it was renamed without the space. The game itself also seems to play ok, and I get a decent framerate too.
Ok, just so you know the PY file has some revisions to the code so should hopefully run a bit better.

So use that for now until Tempel PNDs up the next one for me. Should rly learn how to do that :(

Scrap that theres a buy where it still crashes on level 4....need to fix it so just ignore this....the PND is the better way to go if that's working.
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sswam and mrz, do you plan on releasing a Windows or Linux build (or at least a few screenshots or a video)?

Yes I can release the Linux PC / x86 / GL version. It will have to wait until monday though, I went away with Pandora only this weekend, and I don't fancy trying to cross-compile for x86 on it!

Thanks Gruso for the reviews, it's much appreciated.

I made a webpage for my game, with some hints for playing it: Rescue - web page

I've been enjoying to play all of the games, I'll do my one line reviews here:

Greyout: I really like the idea, the style, and the feel. A clever puzzles / action combo makes this a favourite for me. Foxblock's world upsets my mind and vision in a fun way!

Raedr: Nice, cute and fun game from MrZ, my son (Sean, 3) was very enthusiastic when he heard it has a dragon! My wife and I like it too.

Rescue: This is my one. More bloody than Pulp Fiction! More gratuitous nudity than Eyes Wide Shut! Better physics than Pong! Beware the Wumpus and Grue!

Robo Hell: I like the style, it seems to be a very challenging one! I hope RichiZ will fix pygame asap ;) so we can all enjoy it on the go.

Snowman: Lol it's scary for me trying to budget that snow! Missiles shot from your own snowy body. A 'cool' challenge from ZiZ, and awesome work on the engine.

Unready: A race against time, QuantenMagier runs through fields of lava, seemingly without end! This can be a big hit like Tetris! Unready 3d, bring in on mama.

Wars-Commando: I, my wife, and son have been playing keenly for days! A rich retro-style game. I envy B-ZaR that he released early, no all-night rush to finish!

Thanks everyone, and especially RichiZ, for giving us some really beaut new games. I for sure am enjoying and will continue to enjoy each of them.

I'm glad I've got over many of the difficult learning curves in Pandora game development. Next time I'll be able to relax and concentrate on coding the game! ... not so much on dev extend union mounts, angstrom "unstable" dependency bugs, pnd packaging tricks, tricky texture map bugs, converting GL to GLES, ...! Had heaps fun with it anyway.
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Rescue: I love the audio background to this one, and the graphics are pretty trippy as well (if a bit unfinished). The actual game mechanics are frustrating, though. If Greyout's game mechanics could be called "tight", this is rather the opposite, with lots of random bouncing and approximate movements (among the enemies, as well). There also seems to be no way to attack enemies, unless I'm mistaken? I'm just not sure what the right way to play it is, since I can't seem to defend myself from anything; it seems like just a matter of time before I die. There's no damage bar, either. It might be more successful as an art project than as a game.

Thanks for the feedback, I wrote some explanation about the game here, with hints: http://sam.ai.ki/code/rescue/rescue.html

For attacking, you have to use 'Mario style' - jump on their heads! Everything else is claws and teeth, not succeptible to attack from an unarmed man. They will make some grunt if you hurt them. Your health is expressed by the 100 drops of blood you are able to lose. You can recover, but it takes ten minutes to go from almost dead to full health.

The mechanics are a bit unusual, but I do like how it works. It uses some sort of physics and reaction so the uneven ground will make things a bit bumpy as you walk along. The enemies have ultra simple 'AI', they just try to chase you if you get close enough, and jump on some random occasions! but they can be unpredictable and it can be hard to defeat them.

There are some different things you can do, such as climbing (hold diagonal on the dpad), pushing harder (hold downward diagonal while pushing something), jumping higher (jump then quickly press 'up', or quickly press down, then jump, then press 'up'), swimming and catching your breath, also you need to use your rope to access in certain difficult places. I probably wouldn't have figured these things out if I didn't write the game so I guess I should explain it!
For attacking, you have to use 'Mario style' - jump on their heads! Everything else is claws and teeth, not succeptible to attack from an unarmed man. They will make some grunt if you hurt them. Your health is expressed by the 100 drops of blood you are able to lose. You can recover, but it takes ten minutes to go from almost dead to full health.
There are some different things you can do, such as climbing (hold diagonal on the dpad), pushing harder (hold downward diagonal while pushing something), jumping higher (jump then quickly press 'up', or quickly press down, then jump, then press 'up'), swimming and catching your breath, also you need to use your rope to access in certain difficult places. I probably wouldn't have figured these things out if I didn't write the game so I guess I should explain it!
Indeed, thanks for the tips, I'll try it again. Those would've been good things to mention in the game itself, though. Maybe via some sort of message that pops up on the screen when those skills are needed (can be in the "style" of the rest of it, doesn't have to be blatant; I know atmosphere is important here).

EDIT: Tried it again... you know, it's really easy to get into an unwinnable position. Just push that first rock to the right, and you block off the passage and have to die. The game crashed when I pressed the number "2" to go to level 2. There was also one time when I jumped on an alien, but it somehow killed me instead, and then the game just didn't move; the screen stayed focused on the alien while it destroyed something or other.
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Ok, I played the other two now. For "Snowman", the PND link in the first post works. richiz, you say "Ive tested and the pnd crashes", but it doesn't crash. It only crashes after I complete what seems to be the only level in the game. For "Robo Hell", tempel's PND a little above worked after I removed the space in the name.

Now then...

Robo Hell: VERY small window, would prefer it scaled up 2 or 3 times. Too much emphasis on acceleration when you move, the result being that the controls feel sluggish and I can't adjust course in mid-jump, so I often end up dying. In level 3 it slowed down majorly, twice as slow at least - might need overclocking, or more efficient coding, I guess. Having said that, the level design looks pretty nice, and this has the potential to be pretty good. But I do think the physics need to be made a bit more responsive and not so... Sonic-y. You know how annoying it is to control Sonic when you're trying to make him walk slowly up a hill? That's what the controls here feel like.

Snowball: As far as I can tell, this is just a very short (about 30 seconds), one-level technical demo for a pretty nice engine. It IS a nice engine, mind. Looks nice and feels nice. Could be used to make a good game. But it's not a game yet, so I don't know if I can vote for it.
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Ok, I played the other two now. For "Snowman", the PND link in the first post works. richiz, you say "Ive tested and the pnd crashes", but it doesn't crash. It only crashes after I complete what seems to be the only level in the game. For "Robo Hell", tempel's PND a little above worked after I removed the space in the name.

Now then...

Robo Hell: VERY small window, would prefer it scaled up 2 or 3 times. Too much emphasis on acceleration when you move, the result being that the controls feel sluggish and I can't adjust course in mid-jump, so I often end up dying. In level 3 it slowed down majorly, twice as slow at least - might need overclocking, or more efficient coding, I guess. Having said that, the level design looks pretty nice, and this has the potential to be pretty good. But I do think the physics need to be made a bit more responsive and not so... Sonic-y. You know how annoying it is to control Sonic when you're trying to make him walk slowly up a hill? That's what the controls here feel like.

Snowball: As far as I can tell, this is just a very short (about 30 seconds), one-level technical demo for a pretty nice engine. It IS a nice engine, mind. Looks nice and feels nice. Could be used to make a good game. But it's not a game yet, so I don't know if I can vote for it.
Press F to go full screen on Robo hell :P

You must be playing a different game. Snowman has a ridiculous amount of levels!!