Which is your favourite?

  • Total voters

Bugger! Didn't think this one through when I contributed to the prize fund.

How do I get to judge these without a Pandora to run them on?

Have vids been posted for them all? Could someone montage the first level of play on each for example?
Hahaha I'm sure I'll sort out a montage for the competition!! I'll do it tomorrow night maybe when I'm at work!

Most people did videos in the discussion thread though most were incomplete (but will give you an idea.)

Do you have PyGame installed? In which case you can test me game?
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sswam and mrz, do you plan on releasing a Windows or Linux build (or at least a few screenshots or a video)?

I guess that would be greatly appreciated by us not-yet-Pandora people :)

(also I can't and won't vote on an entry I have not played obviously and I really don't want to have to vote for my own)

Thanks in advance.
Play my PyGame :)

Guarantee you wont complete level 3 though it is possible...(done it once lol)

I don't have PyGame installed currently, might get back later though.
please use level 3, 4 or 7 for wars: commando for any videos :) . In my opinion they show best what the game is about. I can tell you cheat codes to get there :P

EDIT: I'll try to make a video myself, though I'm still having troubles getting sound recorded :(
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please use level 3, 4 or 7 for wars: commando for any videos :) . In my opinion they show best what the game is about. I can tell you cheat codes to get there :P

EDIT: I'll try to make a video myself, though I'm still having troubles getting sound recorded :(
Don't expect mine to be better then...that's why Robo Hell video had no sound :P
I'm planning on doing a "me playing for 10 minutes unedited" video for those that would like to see some of the game without going through the hassle of playing it in this short period of time. That is, if I get sound to work on recordMyDesktop again :D
Well richiz, One word sums up my game play. "ouch!" I'm rubbish. Can't even make the jump over the chasm.

Guess I'll have to wait for the video to see what is on the other side. :P

Can't say I've done any optimising with Pygame yet. Have you read this?

Ensure your surfaces are converted and you could try dirty rects but you done seem to have much moving about.
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Could you please add "Unready" and "Robo Hell" to the poll?

P.S. I don't think people who haven't played the games should vote, though I may be being idealistic here.

EDIT: Robo Hell doesn't run on my system. Just goes right back to the desktop when I click on it. I think it has to do with the space in its name (a hotfix 5 bug), so I'll just rename it...

EDIT2: still doesn't run. Here are the contents of pndrun_robo-hell.out:


PND_SCRIPT      : pnd_run.sh

PND_ARGS        : -p /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu//RoboHell-0.1.pnd -e game.py -b robo-hell

PND             : /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu//RoboHell-0.1.pnd

PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs

APPDATADIR      : /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/robo-hell

APPDD_FSTYPE    : vfat

PND_CPUSPEED    : <unset>

EXENAME         : game.py

ARGUMENTS       : <unset>


[21h55m16   START ]======= Mount the PND ============================================

[21h55m16    INFO ] - Mounting : mount -t squashfs "/dev/loop0" "/mnt/pnd/robo-hell"

[21h55m16    INFO ] - mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,

[21h55m16   ERROR ] - missing codepage or helper program, or other error

[21h55m17    INFO ] - In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try

[21h55m17    INFO ] - dmesg | tail  or so

[21h55m17    INFO ] - 

[21h55m17 WARNING ] - : mount faild, re-tring

[21h55m18    INFO ] - mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,

[21h55m19   ERROR ] - missing codepage or helper program, or other error

[21h55m19    INFO ] - In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try

[21h55m19    INFO ] - dmesg | tail  or so

[21h55m19    INFO ] - 

[21h55m19   ERROR ] - The PND File-system is not mounted !

[21h55m20   ERROR ] - The Union File-system is not mounted !

[21h55m20  FAILED ]======= Mount the PND ============================================


Return code is : 12
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P.S. I don't think people who haven't played the games should vote, though I may be being idealistic here.
I agree in principle, although there's not much you can do when it's open voting (and pretty unfair on people still in the queue to be excluded from expressing their opinion). The best solution here would have been a properly edited video (made by one person) showcasing the entries for a few minutes each.
Is there a working PND of Snowman yet? That and Robo Hell are the only ones I haven't tried. I don't understand how to run .sh files, sorry.

I agree in principle, although there's not much you can do when it's open voting (and pretty unfair on people still in the queue to be excluded from expressing their opinion)
You have to balance that "unfairness" against the unfairness of submissions being judged by people who haven't experienced them as they were meant to be experienced. It's like judging how well a knife works based on a commercial about its sharpness.

The best solution here would have been a properly edited video (made by one person) showcasing the entries for a few minutes each.
I actually think the ideal situation would have been to prohibit screenshots, videos or anything else except for the executables themselves until after the voting was done, so that anyone who wanted to vote would have no information to base their judgement on except for the actual games.

Now that the cat may be out of the bag though, I guess a few minutes of run-through video might not be amiss.
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I don't understand how to run .sh files, sorry.
Although PNDs are definitely needed, you should learn to run these now and it will forever serve you well in Linux. :) Open a terminal in the location of the file, and enter the name of the file preceded by ./

Can you put in OP an information about the voting deadline?

I plan to play all those games as much as possible. The winner for me, will be the one that I will want to play while in the mass transit. But I need more time to decide.
I agree in principle, although there's not much you can do when it's open voting (and pretty unfair on people still in the queue to be excluded from expressing their opinion)
You have to balance that "unfairness" against the unfairness of submissions being judged by people who haven't experienced them as they were meant to be experienced. It's like judging how well a knife works based on a commercial about its sharpness.
And you have to ballance that "unfainess" against the "unfairness" of entries been submitted by developers who already own a Pandora (and therefore could properly test the game themselves) and devs who still haven't.

The best solution here would have been a properly edited video (made by one person) showcasing the entries for a few minutes each.
I actually think the ideal situation would have been to prohibit screenshots, videos or anything else except for the executables themselves until after the voting was done, so that anyone who wanted to vote would have no information to base their judgement on except for the actual games.

Now that the cat may be out of the bag though, I guess a few minutes of run-through video might not be amiss.
People will vote anyway, in which case having a video actually helps.

I can understand that some developer might say "my game is best experienced on the Pandora and I don't want anybody to judge it after playing on a PC", but while the experience may be better on the Pandora it won't be horrible on a PC. In fact another point of good game design would be if the game plays nearly equal on all devices you run it on.

Additionally if you made a good game and give people an opportunity to play it (independent of whether they own a Pandora or not) there is a good chance they will vote for it - on the other hand people will most likely not vote for you when you made a good game but they aren't able to play it.

(and getting a Linux build out there is most likely trivial when you already have a Pandora build)

Also I am not keen on excluding 75% of the community, just because they have not received the device they waited several years for yet.

Can you put in OP an information about the voting deadline?

I plan to play all those games as much as possible. The winner for me, will be the one that I will want to play while in the mass transit. But I need more time to decide.

You have one week to vote for the entries, that is until the 8h of April.

foxblock out
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^ that's weird.. should be in the arcade section.

Also: new video coming today. Shows the first four levels played in around 10 minutes.
^ is the md5sum ok?

/media/SanDisk32GB/pandora/menu$ md5sum wars-commando.pnd

9f554847fdd720ed8d10529d1cf7a5d1 wars-commando.pnd

EDIT: in Arcade section I see only: Greyout, PandoraPanic!, Raedr, Sparks, SuperTux.

I have HotFix5, reflashed (not upgraded). My configuration is clean, I had no time to mess it up.
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