Release hocoslamfy (Flappy bird clone)

Thanks for porting this.

What about using one of the gaming buttons instead of space?

My best score so far: 116.
Also, here for the thread about the fusilli client (that you should use)
And here fr the C4A in general:

Basicaly, you create a ".conf" file for your game and you send it to skeezix (with the ID of the game so it's registered).
You create a marquee (not mandatory but better) and you send it to Milkshake.

In you game, if you want to be lazy, each time you have a score, you cache it using a command like
fusilli push ID_OF_GAME SCORE 0 --cache

(so nothing is sent, just in cache).

At the game exit, in the runscript for example, you add a
fusilli emptycache

To send everything (well, just the best score per game) and it should be ok...
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Button issue: Since now I didnt touch the source/code. But this sounds not to be a lot of work.

C4A, see if I get this straight:
Basicly I just need to submit every accomplished score to a fusilli client command/system call.
But I need to compile and include the fusilli client in the hocoslamfy package.
I understand to first submit a .conf to User skeezix and create an image("marquee") to User Milkshake.
Would'nt that to be 2 games (one with and one without C4A) in my package? Or an extra package?

C4A, see if I get this straight:
Basicly I just need to submit every accomplished score to a fusilli client command/system call.
But I need to compile and include the fusilli client in the hocoslamfy package.
I understand to first submit a .conf to User skeezix and create an image("marquee") to User Milkshake.
Would'nt that to be 2 games (one with and one without C4A) in my package? Or an extra package?

Almost. The fusilli client is alread in the firmware and accessible in normal PATH. Nothing to compile (the link was more for the readme).

Also, no need to do 2 games. The fusilli wil handle the case of no c4a profile by itself.
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Hi all :)

@ gillmaus: thanks for porting that great game to the Pandora !

+ great parallax scrolling
+ good overall presentation
+ cutest bee ever :wub:
+ nice chiptune
+ addictive gameplay

- the lower part of the green bamboo shoots is sometimes hard to see against the green background...
- the font used for the numbers between the shoots could use some work, and is prone to ghosting...

Cheers, Magic Sam
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