GP2X Hierarchy Of Gp2x Linux


Still Fresh
Aug 5, 2006
I have been searching for the past three hours on forums and google, and I can't seem to answer some issues that I am having. I am just not doing well at finding solutions by myself.

Three things:

(1) A Specific Thing
I would like to know the absolute directory of the nand memory for firmware 2.0. For example, the location of the SD card would be /mnt/sd. Is it located in /mnt/nand anymore since firmware 2.0 separated vital files from the free space?

(2) A Broad Question So I can Begin my Developing "Journey"
I am trying to understand the hierarchy (absolute location of where the files are via the linux file system) of the GP2X linux. Here are many ways I'm trying to understand it:

- Documentation
- Exploring it through windows

My problem is that I can't find anything. I found, but I believe it is out of date (unless the location of nand is really /mnt/nand). So, where can I find documentation of the hierarchy? How do explore the GP2X linux via bash through windows?

How do you guys specifically learn about the GP2X, may it be hierarchy, for example? I would love search tips and links, if you can.

Thanks! I hope this community will show me the love :rolleyes: .
The "nand" that shows up in the menus is /mnt/nand, but you have to mount it before you can use it. There are some scripts in /usr/gp2x to help with that. Read through those, they can tell you things.

The root of the file system is also on the internal flash, and the /mnt/nand file system lives in a file on that.