Hidden Political Messages.........?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2005
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I have been watching the new music video by the Foo Fighters, called "The Pretender":


It starts out with the band in front of some red material beginning to perform their song. Note that they are on the left side of the video, for the most part, that is. Then some sort of riot control force (dressed in the average western SWAT-type outfit) moves in after there leader calls them in. After that, the force runs towards them and everyone is pelted with a red liquid coming from the band's side. The force is hurled back and they don't show up in the video after that part.

Now, maybe I'm just crazy, but it seems like the director for that video was expressing some hidden message. It is very socialist, as the band is on the left and the material behind the band is red. So is the liquid that sprays them all. I'm not saying I like or dislike socialism. I just happened to notice those aspects of that video.

What do you guys think? Am I just being paranoid?
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if it was a "hidden socialist message" suppose it makes a changes from the constant overt capitalist message we are normally subjected to by mainstrean music :)
I'm glad that you've all gotten mature over the time that I have been gone. <_<

I actually should have mentioned that I wanted you guys to share videos that *you* think also have hidden messages.
For some strange reason, I got a sudden urge to join the navy from reading this topic. Have no idea. Although I've already done 36 months of navy training anyway what with my school making it compulsary to do 12 months armed forces training. I enjoyed the 'training' so much I decided to keep doing it for another 2 years. Sailing and rock climbing sure beats the hell out or doing drill.

Anyways, back onto this Foo Fighters video. I've seen the video many times and although you raise some very good points, I do not think that it has any political significance at all. But thats just me. It could well be that it does have some. I know that there are music videos that are released that do have political messages, both liminal and subliminally. Just can't think of any as of this moment of time.
nickspoon said:
If you look really closely, this video has a well-hidden homoerotic message. It's quite subtle though, see if you can spot it.

That's one of the funnier replies that I've gotten. :lol:

But seriously, are there any music videos that you guys know of that have hidden messages in them?
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I dunno about music videos, but I'm rather fond of the satanic message in Stairway to Heaven.
Nova said:
I dunno about music videos, but I'm rather fond of the satanic message in Stairway to Heaven.
How is it satanic?
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About that, I still think you can only hear those words if you're told of them beforehand, and expect to hear them. Otherwise, it's just noise.
Alex. said:
About that, I still think you can only hear those words if you're told of them beforehand, and expect to hear them. Otherwise, it's just noise.
I never said I believed in it...
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Alex. said:
About that, I still think you can only hear those words if you're told of them beforehand, and expect to hear them. Otherwise, it's just noise.
That's pretty much all of Nostradamus's predictions summed up.

It was very faint, all I could hear were slight noises. I can play most songs backwards and find at least one thing that sounds satanic. ;)
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I'm not saying its true, but the words really do sound like the real words and the lyrics do make sense in a way. I listened to it, heard the words, then scrolled down to see the transcribed lyrics saying almost the same thing i heard without reading anything.

I honestly think it sounds really cool and wished i could have a whole track like that. Its just like modest mouse lyrics or something haha
andius said:
I'm not saying its true, but the words really do sound like the real words and the lyrics do make sense in a way. I listened to it, heard the words, then scrolled down to see the transcribed lyrics saying almost the same thing i heard without reading anything.

I honestly think it sounds really cool and wished i could have a whole track like that. Its just like modest mouse lyrics or something haha
*Assuming you're talking about the Foo Fighters' song*

Yeah, it is a pretty good song. It is completely comprehensible, unlike, oh I don't know...Fallout Boy, Finch, and many other emo bands. That's not to say that they are bad, but their lyrics don't make sense to most people.
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