Hi crew


Oct 31, 2003
Hertfordshire in England
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Finally got myself a GP32 FLU and first impressions are ace. Just thought I'd say hello all! :)

I'm reading through your words of wisdom in the forums and I'm sure I'll have some newbie questions soon enough!
Hello, thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and say hi too

This is a brilliant forum, you've answered most of the questions already... so thanks to one and all!


Thanks for the warm welcome! :D - First time I've been part of a community (wipes tear from his eye!).

They system looks the mutts nuts and I’m extremely pleased with it so far (and I’ve been limited to a mates 32Mb SMC while my 128Mb is in the post). I can't believe how versatile it is!! Why hasn't every man and his dog got one? I guess it’d be less 'underground' if they did but hey ... it deserves success.
You guys make me feel like an ol' timer and I've only been on here for a couple of weeks. :P

BTW, I love your avatars. I need to gets me an animated one..
Hello from me too. It's funny that that you have to wait for your 128Mb card while using a friends 32Mb. I had exactly the same problem

The greatest thing about the GP32 are no doubt the emulators. Although there is not alot of noise around the C64 emu (frodo). It's still my overall favourite.

I'll second that, Frodo is my favourite too. I hope you've been playin I-Ball :lol:

Only problem is that it doesn't work with some of the best games I've tried, namely; Turrican 1 & 2, Creatures 1 & 2, myth, retrograde, vendetta....

If anyones had any luck with these, I'd love to hear about it

I'll second that, Frodo is my favourite too. I hope you've been playin I-Ball :lol:

Only problem is that it doesn't work with some of the best games I've tried, namely; Turrican 1 & 2, Creatures 1 & 2, myth, retrograde, vendetta....

If anyones had any luck with these, I'd love to hear about it

Hi electonik

I bought a CD full of C64 games years ago, which keeps me entertained endlessly.
I just tryed Turikan 1 and it loaded alright.

There are two reasons why games down't work. the .d64 files are images of complete disks. Which mean there can me more than one 1 game in one file. The problem when loading these disks is that frodo will always load line 1, but often the actual line which starts the game is further down. If you remember List ,8,1 then you know what I mean.

for you to get turrican working: when you are in frodo and have attached the turr1-1.d64 you have to select the menu option "Load d64/dir browser" and then press the letter of the line you want to load.

Another problem I find is that the "1541 CPU emulation" has a different effect on many games. Loading times can be very long and with your old 5 1/2 inch drive you knew when the C64 was loading although the picture didn't change.

Hope I could help you. If the game still doesn't work, send me an email. hadtstein@hotmail.com
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It was the emulation capability that made my mind up a about splashing out for one (thanks to the review on www.gbax.com). So far I've messed about with the PC Engine, Spectrum, Nes and Gameboy emulators. My favourite game so far is R-Type on the GPengine (which blew me away - literally). When my SMC card shows up I'm going to try one of the movie players with some episodes of South Park :P
Yeah, I think everbody who bought a GP32 here mainly bought it for emulation. Congrats on your new toy!
I can't see how you could over look them? They offer small and very sexy games. Both these consoles make up for 80% of space on my SMC. Sega's 'Wonder Boy in Monsterland' is up there with my all time greats.
I haven't checked out the MS emulator yet. I think that'll be my next port of call when I get home from work. I remember some pretty sweet games on my MS (California Games, a ninja game that came on a card, a radio controlled car racing game, Shinobi ... I think I need to go search for a site that reviews MS games to jog my memory).

I'm well impressed with GPengine! Can anybody offer any advice as to which Gameboy emulator is the best? I don't mean GBA, which I know is beyond emulation on our little white box of tricks (for the time being at least).

Found these three sites which review MS games:


.... Now back to some work!