For Sale: Gba+flash Linker + Tvtuner


Active Member
Mar 1, 2004
hi everyone,

for various reasons (mainly i'm skint and my GP32 is used in preference) i'm selling my GBA. I love this thing dearly, I actually prefer the physical design to the GP32, it's a tad smaller and nicer feeling but it's gotta go.

I've installed the Afterburner Mod - and it's ace (better than the GP32 FLU i'd say)
I've got 256M flash card/linker full of speccy, sega, pc engine games at the moment.
Ive got a tv tuner, that works really well.

Basically, need the cash so only asking around £75.

Any offers?

I'd be more than up for it, but alas I do not have the cash just yet! I'll keep an eye on this post as and when I can.. if it's still here in a week I will be persuaded! ;)
Damn Damn DAMN!!!! I just bought all that last week for over £100, minus the tv tuner! BAH! This always happens to me!!!! Sell them on ebay, you could get at least £100 combined.
Aaha! now i know how to PM! never mind, you all probably want this info anyway:

Right, i'll haver some pictures soon, my current digi-cam is knacked
but i'm waiting for amazon to send me a nice new 'un (cannon A60 - look svery nice..only £100) but I can explain the wear and tear, which may put you off...

GBA itself:
1) Sorry to say the battary cover has long gone
2) I bought a new screen when I did the afterburber mod, but the it didn't stick too well so I used sticky tape (I know, it's a hack!)
3) The rest of the kit is perfect though, I've had the flash card for about 2 years but the internal battery it supposed to last 5 years.
4) I only bought the Tuner just before christmas and it's fine and dandy!

I will send it anywhere you want (within reason) but I will have to ask for the delivery fee (75 squid for this lot is pretty good i reckon - it's making me a bit sad to think about saying goodbye to it...almost like when I sold my dear old speccy)