Hey I'm new and I have some questions about GP32!


Still Fresh
Aug 17, 2003
So I'd be able to download emulators onto this thing and then download ROMs from the same sites i use to dl them for my PC? So, basically I could download the whole SNES library on my PC and play them all on the GP32?

What kinds of options do the emulators have?

How much stuff would I be able to save on the internal memory? If I buy this I won't have money to buy a SMC right away.

Will I be able to download GBA games and play them on this?

How much video would i really be able to put on a 128mb SMC? The divx movies I dl are usually like 700mb. And is the divx playback good quality?

Can someone please explain what you can do when u dl an operating system? i don't see the point.

When you boot up GP32 do you click on an emulator, click open and then choose the file you wanna play?

Are user-created games any good gameplay and graphics-wise?
1. Correct.

2. Depends on the emulator.

3. 8MB, but it gets cleared when you reset/turn it off. It's like the RAM in your computer.

4. There is at this moment no publically available GBA emu, don't even know if it's playable.

5. You would have to re-encode the movies so that the gp32 can play it, making a ~2hrs movie around 111MB I think.

6. What operating system are you talking about?

7. Basically yes.

8. Yes, the home-brewn games are quite high quality, gameplay wise, altho there are of course some with lesser gfx quality.

I hope this answers most your questions.

It's worth mentioning that without an smc, you can't do anything really.
About the operating systems, here's how it goes.
When you get your gp32 and turn it on, you see an intro animation (about 5 seconds) and then you get to a menu where you can choose between:
1.game (to run gp32 executable files)
2.mp3 (to run mp3's.....)
3.pclink (to transfer files from your computer)

when you get the gp32' you will be able to download free launcher,
which lets you run homegrown stuff, applications, emulators etc.

you can flash your firmware to make things more simple (a program called windups lets you run files from a windows like environment)

for more info check out the newbie sticky thing
Oh what fun, another person who doesnt know how to press anything but the "New Topic" button.

1. Most roms work, depends on the emulator. SNES emu isnt that fast yet, wait for the next release, should be much better.

2. A popular option lately has been Full Screen stretching and Auto Frameskip. Gamma is common as well, along with the usual stuff.

3. None, get an SMC card.

4. No, if you are getting this to pirate GBA games, stab yourself with a knife, and buy a GBA flash cart and a GBA SP

5. Use virtual dub to reencode movies. It isn't that hard, quality loss is noticable, but its more than watchable. I can fit about 2 hours into 90MB quite easily.

6. Obviously you mean the GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) for file selections etc. These are just shells which you can run programs from. I use Windups myself, PacRom is also nice. I like windups cos of the user selectable background and icons, and stuff like the text reader and address book, which is built into it.

7. Its usually as simple as this, with computer emulators like the Atari ST its a bit more complex, but you quickly get used it it.

8. Well of course the graphics aren't as good as a commercial game most of the time, but they are usually made by a single person, or a team of about 2 or 3 people. Its the gameplay that matters, and most of them deliver. Gloop is heapsa fun.

Now, time to add a few emoticons to make my post more easy to understand for newbies...

:huh: ;) :lol: :rolleyes: <_< :( :angry: :ph34r: :blink: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :o :ph34r:
1. Like Zider said ..correct BUT ...Obviously you can fit only as many roms as a 128 MB smc can hold.

2. SOme emulators have lots of options...*Gamma correction, save states, snap shots....but it really depends on the emu.

3. YOU CAN NOT use the GP32 without a SMC. SO I would advise you to get one..even its a small 32MB. They are pretty cheap now. AND I think the internal memory is 4 MB. This I am unsure of. BUT you can't use the GP32 without an SMC.

4.There is currently no GBA emu. PLease don't expect it either. Alot of people want the GP32 for emu of the GBA. Honestly, if you want GBA games..purchase a GBA.
IS it possibly to emu GBA on the GP32....absolutely.

5. DIVX playback is my favorite part of the Gp32. You can fit an entire 2 hour and 16 min movie on one 128 SMC, if you encode it properly. The quality is very good and I personally, (the way I encode my videos) believe its as good as VHS quality or maybe better. It can also run Xvid files which is fantastic because the file sizes can be smaller than DIVX with the same length movie. quality varies.

6. If your talking about flashing the firmware. I don't advise it. So problems can occur. BUT, on the up side, flashing your firmware allows you to bypass some loading screens and make your experience more streamline.

7.you turn on the Gp32, click the free launcher program which allows the Emu to run, then click on the emu you want to run, then finally the rom

8. The majority of the home brew games are astonishing in my eyes. Remember this is an open source handheld, and most of the users are retro gamers. Therefore if your looking for PSx graphics or something of that sort your definitely looking in the wrong place. The games the Gp32 can play range from GBA quality and better. The DOOM port is a perfect example of this. It is literally near perfection to the original with optimizations and enhancements.
I hope you choose a Gp32 because you won't be sorry.
The people who purchase these uncommon handhelds are emulation crazy and retro gaming crazy. Some of us are also movie encoding crazy (like me). Others are just plain insane. BUT... you won't find a better more friendly and faster growing community anywhere.

Whats your choice...the red pill or the blue one?? good luck
wind up's os....great
my gp32 wrecked my life.....
just do it!!!

p.s.....buy a gba for gba game's.....
red pill
Oh what fun, another person who doesnt know how to press anything but the "New Topic" button.

yeah well, I looked on a bunch of sites to find my answers but i couldnt and i didnt know if i could trust any of the sites anyway...so I figured it would be best to ask people that have bought it.

thanks for the help guys. I have been into emulation for years now, so this product interests me a lot. The thing is, I'm sort of a perfectionist, so if SNES and Genesis roms don't all run at 100%, then I won't play them.

I read about the flash cards for GBA like a couple months ago, but i figured they wouldn't work very well. If anyone knows about flash cards, could you please answer the folowing few questions...

1. Will all roms work at 100%...I'm thinking yes, as theyre meant for the gba, but I dont wanna assume anything
2. Is there anything important I should know about the cards, before I buy one?
3. Is it worth buying one?
4. How many games on average would I be able to fit on a 128mb card? I just read a website that said "Most of GBAvance games are 32M or 64M big but some games that use rich graphics, music and long movies in them are up to 128M big! " How is this possible? When I dl roms off sites, the most they are is usually 7mb so why are they so much bigger when I put them in the flash card?
5. If I want to play a multiplayer game, would I be able to use the rom when someone else has the actual game?
6. Are the cards reliable and will my saved games still exist if I unload it from the cart and then load it back in?
I personally am not quite sure what your talking about. BUT it sounds like your talking about a GBA flash cart right??

IF so, this has nothing to do with the GP32. There is no GBA emu that will play GBA roms...not yet anyway. AND please don't get your hopes up on GBA emu, it may not happen.

please correct me if I understood your reply wrong...
i only asked questions about flash cards, b/c someone suggested that I should get one.
You should stick to the gp32. The flash cards are a lot more expensive and they are in megabits not megabytes. So a 256 megabit flashcard would be equal to a 32mb SMC. The snes emu is going to be perfect speed as in frameskip 0, but it will be full speed on frameskip 3.
oh Megabits! i thought it said Megabytes....cheap bastards trying to trick me