Hero: The Realm (Demo V2)


Still Fresh
Aug 12, 2010

"The Realm was once peaceful. But the Dark One is turning the creature inhabitants into rabid monsters, who turn on the humans. As the King's first knight you are sent on a quest to rid the land of the evil plague. The Dark One's minions will try and stop you at every turn."

The full game is set over 100 levels as you battle through 8 differing stages, and changing environments, which include many types of enemy and end-of-level guardians!

Download Link : http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/caanoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,22,794

Changes & Updates

Level design flaws corrected
Inclusion of Knight enemy
Secret underground level buttons (affecting level)
Looting items change (more gold, less hearts)
AI improvements (with tougher monsters)
Clearer instructions
Sound effects update
some changement at solitarie... but i wait the sources from phoenix for do real change at the game... like playing a sound.. if you can help me ;)
the latest version of solitarie http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/caanoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,25,728 , i know how to change the graphics
is very beautiful to talk with you on skype :)
I honestly don't know when it will all be finished, I've been more busy lately.

Can anyone test it using TV-Out? I know the v1 demo did not output the signal correctly, but I've changed a few things.