Release Herby


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Herby, a puzzle/labyrinth game by Crystal Shard

The game use the AGS Engine, but the native version I built have some sounds issue (signed/unsigned issue maybe?). So I packaged both native and x86 (emulated with box86) version. The emulated is pretty fast, and I get fullspeed on a Gigahertz, but that might not be the case on other model. So you have a simple dialog at start to choose the version. Dialog appears at each start but should remember your last choice, so "enter" should start last version choose.

History log

Build 02

  • New build of Native AGS engine that is running fine
  • Removed box86 emulated version
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Packaged both arm and x86 version
  • Small zenity dialog to choose version at start
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Thanks for another addition to the Pandora games collection :)

Have you tried other AGS games, or does it depend if it works on the game content?
Wouldn't mind also running Primordia or Gemini Rue on the Pandora.
Have you tried other AGS games, or does it depend if it works on the game content?

was thinking the same -

two games came to my mind, for once the award winning, Cart Life (public domain/open source/freeware)

second one, Soviet Unterzögersdorf, with 2 episodes (as far as I found freeware - source code seems lost, the page & group seems down)

(couldn't find both on the repo, but maybe i mis-searched)
Yeah, many AGS game should work. I haven't tested yet. Gemini Rue should work, not sure I have built the right version for it, but I can test it later.
For this game, you need to chill. It's not a hectic arcade game. But it is ruthless and unforgiving when it comes to touching bad things, like the wall.
Very nice game if you like exploring.
Very nice game if you like exploring.

Yes is a kind of game that i like, thanks for releasing it @ptitSeb .
Hope you find a way to fix the annoying bad audio artifact when play with native AGS, whit the "emulated" one the game is really too slow on my CC.
So, I upade the AGS source to, and this one is working (or is it my re-build of Allegro 4 that fixed it?). So new build on the repo, without box86 as the native works fine.

Build 02

  • New build of Native AGS engine that is running fine
  • Removed box86 emulated version