

Still Fresh
Jul 18, 2003

I have downloaded the BLAST ROMS which contain about five games each for the C64. However, I cannot get them to work. Please help!!!
the c64 emu for the gp32 frodo only works with d64 and t64 files not prg files for the c64. If they are a d64 or t64 file you must hit start then hit load d64 for a d64 file or the same for a t64 once u hit the file and click A it will go back to the main menu and it will say start first program or something simular hit that and then irt should work.

If this doesnt work then the emu might not be able to play them games try downloading a new game for a website like

They are .d64 files :p

IIRC, the way those packs work is they load a menu first, then the game seperately. If you know what number you want, you can load the games individually by picking the correct number on the disk image itself...
I have played probably a couple hundred of the blast disks, and while a few of the games didn't work, all the disks booted up for me.

For more help, check out and click on Frodo -- that's my guide. As you can see in the screenshot, I already was playing the Blast images back then!
There's a few games that i loved as a kid for the c64 but the dont work on the gp32 :(

Hopping mad wont work

where in the world is carmen sandeago (bad spelling)

and im amazed that international soccer isnt for download on any c64 site i have the game cart right here. And the pink panther game isnt for download but i have the tape here so i might convert it ot a rom for the emu.
