Help With My Site


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
Visit site
ok it's my first site ever, all content is original and it's all been coded in html.
I hope you like it. ;)
erm if your run int in IE it looks perfect but then look at it in firefox and the effect I made doesn't work correctly. :blink:
help is needed!
i gave him help already, he wondered about and test site y the background wasnt working, but he'd spelt colour wrong (spse to be spelt color in HTML)
rofl that was on my first fday of html when I forgot the Americans spell differently. :P
So how do I get rid of the faggy lines on some people's browser?
By the way thanks for the good comments! :D
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No it isn't: in your main frameset (not in your individual frame declarations) you need to add it. It will make the white lines go away.

It now says: <frameset framespacing="0" rows="150,*" >
That should be: <frameset framespacing="0" frameborder="0" rows="150,*" >

Frameborders are declared in the frameset, you declared them in the individual frames instead.
:D ahhhhhh
EDIT: and one more thing, you know the text size looks nice on IE and it looks to fat on ff how to I change that. ty gor the help mate!
Unfortunately IE and FF render fonts in a different way. Your site will always look just a little different in the other browser. It isn't very obvious it's probably just a pain to you because you created the site (as the creator you will always much more critical of how it looks).

Just go with the font and fontsize that makes you happy with the way it looks in both browsers but there will always be a difference. Just remember: it may be an obvious difference to you but people will only visit it with one browser and will be used to the way that browser renders fonts.

I did notice a slight difference in your menu (FF versus IE) in FF your menu is not indented and the second part (outside links) is more to the left. You could fix this by using a table around your menu.

Your site looks good, in both browsers :)
Hi all! I did a browser comparison and the sidebar font is Times New Roman (for the most part) on Mozilla but Courier New on IE for the whole thing. Is this what you mean? I looked at the code to see what was wrong...

I'd guess it's because you end a span after a code block and Mozilla, being the XHTML-compliant and quirks-hating browser it is, ends your code tag along with the span. Solution: Make the span cover ALL of the links, and give it a class. Say 'sidebar'. Now in your CSS:

span.sidebar { color: white; font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, fixed; }

What happens? Well your links are still gray with no underlines, but all the other text is white, and -everything- is in monospace font. Please at least try it.

Also in index.html or whatever (your frameset page) you need to add a space between src="top.html"scrolling="no". And in your left menu, don't use --------------. <hr /> was invented for a reason :) You can also use <base target="main_frame"> in the head section of your page instead of including it with every link ;)

Suggestion: maybe you think it looks cool, but could you change the link hover on the page content to something other than black? It's annoying ;)
Suggestion: maybe you think it looks cool, but could you change the link hover on the page content to something other than black? It's annoying ;)
Thanks for the advice I'll get to it after the denitist in a sec. lol yup black is shite :P
EDIT: I'm gonna keep it the same for the side but diiferent for the main pages.
*changes the style sheet*
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