Site Help!


Aug 24, 2003
Hi, im updating my site for my radio and i need a little help!

There are buttons on my site that are images and i want the to highlight or something when you role over them, i have done some searching and have found nothing yet, i think its possible in java but im not too sure.

The images are the navergation buttons.

also i want a login system on my site where u can have a mini profile and it will let you download things off my site if your loged in and not when you are not.

thanks all! :)
Keithmcfc posted on Dec 10 2004 at 11:29 PM said:
im not good at flash at all :(

what do u mean by author any way?
Stick this in between your <head></head> tages:
<script type="text/javascript">
function init() {
  if (!document.getElementById) return
  var imgOriginSrc;
  var imgTemp = new Array();
  var imgarr = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
  for (var i = 0; i < imgarr.length; i++) {
    if (imgarr[i].getAttribute('hsrc')) {
        imgTemp[i] = new Image();
        imgTemp[i].src = imgarr[i].getAttribute('hsrc');
        imgarr[i].onmouseover = function() {
            imgOriginSrc = this.getAttribute('src');
        imgarr[i].onmouseout = function() {


And then when you do that  put this attribute in your <img> tag for the first image:
Well i hoped that helped. :P
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author, write, create whatever :ph34r:

it might be worth learning flash just cos it can give many cool effects quite easily.

[edit] also the code above only jumps from one image to another, with flash you can easily, and I mean easily, learn to fade from one image to another or have an animation play among other things.
c0ncept posted on Dec 11 2004 at 01:31 AM said:
author, write, create whatever :ph34r:

it might be worth learning flash just cos it can give many cool effects quite easily.

[edit] also the code above only jumps from one image to another, with flash you can easily, and I mean easily, learn to fade from one image to another or have an animation play among other things.
true, it does add many possibilities.
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Yes but please don't. The last thing we need is more needless, bloated flash. I don't want my browser to load a virtual machine up just so you can have an animated button which can be done with HTML.
true i have seen many things you can do in flash (and i have just started learning flash at college :) )

But at the moment i have to make do with java or something :(

about the other question, any one kno any good and easy to setup login systems?

thats one of the main things im after.
Rico posted on Dec 11 2004 at 02:09 AM said:
Yes but please don't. The last thing we need is more needless, bloated flash. I don't want my browser to load a virtual machine up just so you can have an animated button which can be done with HTML.
That's what I've been thinking. Especially when they do non-flash effects. In other words things that could be made out of flash. It's a sad waste.
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there's nothing worse than a website that just displays a 'loading' progress bar for 2 minutes JUST TO LOAD THE MENU!!! :@:@:@

just my 2p.
just a tiny update on ym site cos im VERY

i got it finnished (ish)

all i gotta do is change some pages to use iframes to help with saving bandwith and not having to lod the same image over and over again lol

and thanks for the help everyone! i managed to get a cool java script they dus mouse over and also changes the image when its clicked lol

damn 3 images per button lol

it was worth it tho :P
very nice site

although I can't listen to it cause my PC's sound is all f#2ked
up right now
Keithmcfc posted on Dec 11 2004 at 03:10 AM said:
about the other question, any one kno any good and easy to setup login systems?

Your server supports .htaccess files? Can you modify them?
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Thyphoid posted on Dec 16 2004 at 09:50 AM said:
Keithmcfc posted on Dec 11 2004 at 03:10 AM said:
about the other question, any one kno any good and easy to setup login systems?

Your server supports .htaccess files? Can you modify them?

yep, it supports htaccess and i can modify them.
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