Help! Wi Fi dead

No not a full firmware flash, just the Hotfix 4 .pnd :) A few of us have solved wifi issues recently by reinstalling it.

Well, I'll be. After a 2nd hotfix 4 install, wireless is back. Even works without static for me. Thanks screeny and gruso.
It seems that it works for a while, then gets into the bad state again, and I need to install hotfix 4 over top again. Then it's good for a while. I think it has to do with closing the lid while still plugged in, maybe. Anyone else having this problem?
Hey guys, I just received my device, and I can't get Wifi working at home (and I could with two PCs and a PSP), DHCP or static, HF4 reinstalled or not...

I even tried to ditch NetworkManager and go through wpa_supplicant.

No suspect stuff in dmesg output.

I even had a ping on my router and a successful route to an external website with DNS lookup and all but just for a few seconds.

I'm heading to work to try on the router there, and I sure hope it's not an hardware fault but an upstream kernel bug or something that makes it incompatible with my Inventel Livebox.

Edit: OK, same problem with a Netgear router without encryption (but after more time).

EditEdit: Wait, it seems to work now with the Netgear router, after reinstalling HF4 and rebooting. Weird.

EditEditEdit: Connection was really flaky but disabling power management made it a tiny wee bit better (but still not usable, 33% packets lost).

So, any hints?

Is there any way to test the hardware to know if it's a software problem or not?

Should I wait for a next revision of the fw?

Is there a way to always make "power off" for wlan0 adapter by default?
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Ok, I tried lots of stuff to make it work without touching my router.

Then, out of despair, I changed from channel 5 to 7.

It now works like a charm :)

(Black Magic Inside, both channels were unused by other wireless equipment)

Edit: It's gone again... sigh...

Edit 2: The Beta firmware made it work!
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