O OKentaro_9999 Still Fresh Joined Dec 30, 2003 Messages 38 Age 35 Location efwdfnjdsdjhifds Website Visit site Mar 15, 2004 #1 can eney one kick start my gp32 i failed flashing the fimware plz help ill pay to have it fix plz eney one plz!
can eney one kick start my gp32 i failed flashing the fimware plz help ill pay to have it fix plz eney one plz!
finty what is this Joined Feb 17, 2004 Messages 4,984 Location Ireland Website Visit site Mar 15, 2004 #2 i think your f**ked, maybe try n send it back to whereever you bought it and dont say how it broke, just that it stopped working.
i think your f**ked, maybe try n send it back to whereever you bought it and dont say how it broke, just that it stopped working.
L lizard808uk Child of the 80s Joined Dec 30, 2003 Messages 1,323 Location Wellington, NZ Website Visit site Mar 15, 2004 #3 Was it the batteries? what were you flashing to? I was thinking about it, don't think I will now.... You need a JTAG cable to reflash direct from your PC. I don't know where you can get one or how to make one. (Bit of a useless post really )
Was it the batteries? what were you flashing to? I was thinking about it, don't think I will now.... You need a JTAG cable to reflash direct from your PC. I don't know where you can get one or how to make one. (Bit of a useless post really )
yaustar UK GP32 & GP2X Owner Joined Oct 18, 2003 Messages 2,714 Location UK Website Visit site Mar 15, 2004 #4 Your best bet is to contact mr Spiv and see if he can give you a 'tutorial' on how to fix it. This would involve the JTAG cable.
Your best bet is to contact mr Spiv and see if he can give you a 'tutorial' on how to fix it. This would involve the JTAG cable.
S Sonic-NKT Well-Known Member Joined Apr 15, 2003 Messages 1,890 Mar 15, 2004 #5 why dont release he tutorial on how to do it? that would be very cool, and gbax or some othershops could fix it.
why dont release he tutorial on how to do it? that would be very cool, and gbax or some othershops could fix it.
L lizard808uk Child of the 80s Joined Dec 30, 2003 Messages 1,323 Location Wellington, NZ Website Visit site Mar 15, 2004 #6 I think it would a be great idea - power to the people and all that. I've read some of Spivs stuff, and can vaguely understand it :unsure: - any tutorials done would have to be in laymans terms.
I think it would a be great idea - power to the people and all that. I've read some of Spivs stuff, and can vaguely understand it :unsure: - any tutorials done would have to be in laymans terms.