Internal Development
I did a relatively quick port of hatari (a very good Atari ST/STE/Falcon emulator) to the Wiz; had to work around a few GPH SDL bugs that crashed it, but managed to get it working 'ok' (with no port frills .. no keyboard, no disk picker, etc). The good news is she runs (with overscan display removed), and can mount the SD card as a hard disk image, and other cool stuff. (hatari is much more advanced than my own OutcaST emu.) The bad news is shes bloody slow (theres a reason OutcaST is handicapped so bad, its cut to the bone for speed 
If anyone wants a copy and some setup instructions, let me know; overclocked to 800mhz, it still needs about frameskip 5+ to get anywhere (and in hatari-speak, that means going on 'autoframeskip, pray to the gods')
The touchscreen for GEM desktop does work, which is handy. Sound works, but is pretty garbled due to the frameskip handicap (though works well in simple apps; hatari has much better sound emulation than my own emu.)
To speed it up, I'll have to look into recoding it to the metal instead of using GPH SDL (which is a slow beast), maybe replace the cpu core code with a faster one (big pita), maybe change how the display code works (its very cool stuff, handles overscan etc, but it alsao does multiple copies before blitting I think, which slows things down terribly on the Wiz.)
Anyway, so if anyone wants it just to screw with, let me know. Its pretty raw.
But if I get time, I'll keep on it
If anyone wants a copy and some setup instructions, let me know; overclocked to 800mhz, it still needs about frameskip 5+ to get anywhere (and in hatari-speak, that means going on 'autoframeskip, pray to the gods')
The touchscreen for GEM desktop does work, which is handy. Sound works, but is pretty garbled due to the frameskip handicap (though works well in simple apps; hatari has much better sound emulation than my own emu.)
To speed it up, I'll have to look into recoding it to the metal instead of using GPH SDL (which is a slow beast), maybe replace the cpu core code with a faster one (big pita), maybe change how the display code works (its very cool stuff, handles overscan etc, but it alsao does multiple copies before blitting I think, which slows things down terribly on the Wiz.)
Anyway, so if anyone wants it just to screw with, let me know. Its pretty raw.
But if I get time, I'll keep on it