Pandora Hardware Debug Support On Pandora

Squidge said:
No, it's a cut down version. The full price JTAG will run at higher speeds than the ones bundled with other peoples boards. It's still perfectly adequate however and it still runs at several Mhz. If I remember correctly, the "proper" J-Link run at 8Mhz, whilst the bundled ones run at 2mhz.
Seems to be the same specs as the standalone - e.g. here

Squidge said:
Vladimir said:
One more question - how many pins is the J-Tag pad thing on the Pandora board?
I would suspect 14, the TI standard.

Hmnn I suspected that too - I guess since the 14-pin JTag cable itself is sold for something like £50, the best way would be to follow the instructions on here?

Edit: Or do I need to know the pin layout for each J-Tag emulator? I would assume it's the same, but you never know?
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Vladimir said:
Seems to be the same specs as the standalone - e.g. here

Maybe they changed? I just remember the Yellow ones are supposed to be limited, and the Black ones are the "real deal". Oh well.

The 20 pin JTAG connector is an ARM "standard". Most people follow it, but not all. Be careful.
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synkro said:
A bit off topic but still: How is remote debugging on the pandora (eg GDB) handled? Wifi or USB?
If you mean remote debugging of apps via GDB, then its currently via the serial port as it's the easiest way, but of course if you telnet in via Wifi or USB-Ethernet, you can run GDB from there. You could even run GDBServer over either and connect your Insight (or whichever) debugger to it as usual.
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Laurent said:
Vladimir said:
Any (budget) suggestions to that one, then?

With bugdet in mind, you can forget the idea at the moment of a finished product.
Why do you need JTAG debug? Unless you are doing low level kernel development it's not really needed I guess.

slightly related information
BTW, beagleboard for $150 looks nice for OMAP3 hacking too
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