Happy new...

And all these bluetooth things will have separate batteries you have to charge separately. That's a huge no-go for me.
I have followed the Pandora's cycle, wanted to have one, no money... Then the Pandora got followed by the Pyra, wanted to have one, no money... Now years later, I got money, so I bought a Pyra. Even added some vouchers so I will not have to pay the rest later. Better safe, than sorry afterwards. (And it helps ED a little, with some much needed cash to get the parts paid for the first batch.)
But why would I have the Pyra over any other, cheaper tablet/laptop/minilaptop with maybe better specs? Because the Pyra is so open I can truely make it "mine". I never have needed the top-of-the-line, superexpensive, lightningfast uebercomputer to play the latest of the latest games.
The Pyra is beefy enough to do what I want it to, while it's an open development platform with an open source OS that I can tweak, extend and possibly break a hundred times, without much of anything happening and I can put it in my purse.

What do you mean flimsy attempts? You can just use any hardware on Android connecting it directly either through USB otg or bluetooth. That includes keyboards, mice or controllers. Even multiple controllers if you want. This isn't 2012 anymore.

Makes me wonder, acid, if you've ever tried to use a USB CD/DVD player with Android, cause I would love to know how you did it. I kinda doubt Android can even do it. I tried, but the device isn't showing up anywhere.
Makes me wonder, acid, if you've ever tried to use a USB CD/DVD player with Android, cause I would love to know how you did it. I kinda doubt Android can even do it. I tried, but the device isn't showing up anywhere.
It should work, but you will need an OTG USB adapter and an external power supply, so it's not a convenient solution.
Happy new year, ey? Because this year is the year of the Pyra, we Dutch made a Pyre... we call it VreugdeVuur (HappynessFire). We made it so high, it was 15 meters higher than allowed, and it made fire tornados. The ashes burned down houses and cars. Instead of snow, we had fire-snow-ash. Indeed, the firenation attacked the waternation... a little bit.

Now, south of the Netherlands, lies Belgium. They had this guy, "Manneken Pis" (wee little-man)... and he's grown up during the progress of developing the Pyra.
Here is a before and after picture:

This timelapse pictures are from the benigning... beg.. beginning of the Pyra Project. The right one is from last summer. I'm feeling old.

Can't wait to test my Pandora Carkit with the Pyra.... watching youtube or gaming while driving... what can go wrong?

"Manneken Pis" Photo attribution:
By Photo: Myrabella / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0,
All up, I think the PYRA project has been running for 5 and a half years to now.