hope every1 has fun! i think we need a smiley w/ a party hat that would be useful :rolleyes: :lol:
Happy new year! Hope someone gets extra pissed to account for my innability to do so....I'm in the most boring village in the world, I have no money and all my friends are 400 miles (approx.) away.
I have had to stay home and sober as GF is on call and has to work tomorrow. Add to the the fact that the cable TV crashed and I have had a really nice new year (no, really) with good company and board games .
May 2004 be the best year of your life so far, and the worst of all those to come .
yeah i wish everyone a happy new year! lets hope that 2004 brings what we all want to see (full speed snes emulation with sound, and full speed genesis emulation with sound )