Hands Off Slow Sd Cards

Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 8 2005 at 09:51 AM said:
Can't be a speed issue, seriously no divx movie should be 16MBIT/sec cause that's the speed every, even the slowest SD, and for sure the sandisk ones, can deliver, 2MB/sec.

Exactly. The transfer rates required by the software on the GP2X is far exceeded by the bandwidth of the cards.
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Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:42 PM said:
Cellsplitter posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:43 PM said:
craigix posted on Dec 8 2005 at 08:28 PM said:
The new firmware supports 2gig.
As in allready excisting firmware? Up comming one? Enough tease :P

As in: We don't have it, but some devs have ;)

Silly devs! share!~
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i don't think the devs have it :)

i read a posting of Anna on gp2x.com where she wrote, that 2gb-cards will be supported in the next firmware-release ...
Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 9 2005 at 02:17 AM said:
well at least they have some version of the HH os, and that supports 2GB SD cards :)
If I'm not terribly mistaken, HH is direct hardware, meaning there is no OS. Just means they have to do everything themselves so yeah, you can do anything then as long as you know how to.
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I bought the 512 sandisk only because after in store rebate and $20 dollar mail in it was $30 US. I had $20 dollars instore credit from buying equipment for work (shh don't tell). So I left with a 512mb card for $10 US. It's still frustating that the speed wasn't listed anywhere and the fast sandisk card was over twice as much.
Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 8 2005 at 04:25 PM said:
they won't. Think of it like this:

As a children you aren't allowed to use a sharp knife.

As an user you aren't allowed to use an untested firmware.

LOL! I love this analogy
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What about 4gb support??? I got this 4gb laying around waiting to be used!

[/endsarcasm] Ya rite, like I would get a 4gb SD when I could get 5 or 6 of them for the same price :P