.hack Infection


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
Ok, so first of all, in the dungeon where he is, why the hell do I have to kill each enemy like 10 times? Everytime I kill them once, they resurrect (sp?) themselves and it's really long chain. It takes usually like 15 minutes for each battle, and there are like 20 of them! When I fought skeith, I was level 27 (I entered the dungeon at 24), should I be at a higher level? And what is this zeit statue thing? Any tips on how to beat Skeith? I'm really pissed because I just lost like 4 hours of hard work in that dungeon! I lost some pretty good items too (Bom-Ba-Ye, Electric Guard, Thunder Gloves...)! So, what should I do? Level up more? Go to this Zeit thing?
I don't know anything about this game or if it is a game at all, but Zeit is German for time. Maybe that was helpful. Probably not :P
finty101 posted on Apr 11 2004 at 11:31 AM said:
is this game any good? and is there 3 games?
It's real good. There are four games in total and you can continue playing as your characters when you go into the next game. They also come with 30-45 minute anime DVDs to help you solve the mystery of .Hack.
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Yeah, it's pretty good. It has some secret messages in it for area to go to (areas consist of words, like Chronicle Pagan Sunny Demon. That would be the name of the area and when you enter it you get transported to the area which is an open field with enemies and a dungeon. In the DVD, there are in some scenes, like, three books in the back with japanese text on them, if you have captioning on, it will quickly show their translation, which would be the keywords for an area to go to in the game).