Guy Gets Beat Up For His Ps3, Dipshits Continue To Walk By

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Yeah I agree...but still....a steel toe? to the nutsack?? I'm cringing as I type :ph34r:

You think thats bad, guy playing rugby at school got one of his balls trod on. The Stud on the bottom crushed straight down on his testical causing all the tubing to come out.. my left testicle twitches whenever i remember that story
Dear God

GAH! :eek: The...PAIN....
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What have you done to me, you scared my boys, you sunnavabitch :p

- Alex
I just told that story to a group of friends at school, (at least 5 boys in it), you should have seen the reaction! :lol: Cringing would be an understatment to describe it! XD
I just told that story to a group of friends at school, (at least 5 boys in it), you should have seen the reaction! :lol: Cringing would be an understatment to describe it! XD
You must have been a real hit!! Which was more successful, the story you told, or the sword fighting on halloween?
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